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Expert in a sentence

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Sentence count:233+32Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adeptaptcleverhandyingeniousmasterfulproficientskillfulAntonym: amateuramateurishSimilar words: expertiseexpectexpenseexpectedexperienceexperimentexpeditionexperiencedMeaning: ['ekspɜːt]  n. a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully. adj. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. 
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151. Coffman, Virginia An expert in creating appropriate atmosphere, Coffman has written more than sixty novels.
152. An expert on air accidents believes that the aircraft was de-stabilised after opening its cargo door for a low-level drop.
153. But an expert who counsels male rape victims says a change in the law is needed.
154. Clever use of make-up can greatly enhance your appearance and leading make-up artist Teresa Fairminer will give you expert advice.
155. Before deciding whether to provide for determination by expert rather than by arbitration, it is essential to appreciate the differences between them.
156. It will normally be necessary to seek expert advice on the realisable values of all the major assets.
156. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
157. She is an expert in exchange rates, with her cheques in many different currency denominations.
158. She is an expert on how a low-calorie diet and exercise can beat cellulite and other weight problems.
159. But he advised caution beyond the point of planning permission, because new environmental legislation makes it essential to seek expert advice.
160. Even so, he did his best, becoming an expert coxswain and taking up Olympic weight-lifting.
161. The highest award was £307,781 to a computer expert who injured his back helping a store detective stop a suspected shoplifter.
162. Can an expert tell the difference between top price and budget compact discs?
163. Even fully fit he would have stood little chance against the oriental, who was an expert in martial arts combat.
164. An expert could give you the approximate value of the painting.
165. For a discussion of whether an expert can be compelled to give reasons for his decision, see 13.7.8.
166. He doesn't criticize the vice-president marketing's expert judgement nor pretend he could do better himself.
167. They are expert at handling situations like this in strict confidence.
168. She has become a leading expert on the care and maintenance of Renaissance paintings.
169. In general terms it is suggested that determination by expert is quicker and cheaper than determination by arbitrator.
170. The solicitor should look at the notes, as well as the medical expert, and keep copies on file.
171. It is not, however, a practice to be recommended to the inexperience unless under expert advice.
172. In future the computer expert will be the outsider who works for the manufacturer or as an independent adviser.
173. Perhaps the most important characteristic of an expert chess player, however, is flexibility when uncertainty arises.
174. But this opposition misleads; charisma is cold comfort without expert management.
175. These approaches produced successes, and the subfield of expert systems became commercially viable.
176. Expert Systems Problem Solving/Minimisation Within a specific environment problems may be solved or they may only minimised depending upon external constraints imposed.
177. Current academics have become financial consultants themselves as well as highly-paid expert witnesses in court disputes.
178. Write or phone for free illustrated brochure and expert advice.
179. Almost invariably the specialist or expert will focus on that section of the proposal which he feels most competent to criticize.
180. Your Counsel, with his expert advice, has not been able to run a fine-toothed comb over them.
More similar words: expertiseexpectexpenseexpectedexperienceexperimentexpeditionexperiencedunexpectedexperimentalat the expense ofexpandexposeexportexploitexplainexploreexplodeassertinsertdesertexposureexplicitdessertother thanover thereconcertcertainconvertproperty
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