Synonym: adept, apt, clever, handy, ingenious, masterful, proficient, skillful. Antonym: amateur, amateurish. Similar words: expertise, expect, expense, expected, experience, experiment, expedition, experienced. Meaning: ['ekspɜːt] n. a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully. adj. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude.
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181. deserves a special mention, because unlike most directories, is a topics are and by expert guides.
182. To render capitalism more humane and efficient was the principal aim of the professional expert.
183. An expert on altitude sickness says he hasn't got long to live.
184. Similarly, a requirement that the expert observe the rules of natural justice could be made a contractual obligation.
185. Many researchers are suggesting that the real power of artificial intelligence lies in the blending of expert systems with neural networks.
186. More than that, the expert systems technology is the only vehicle that can integrate cost effectively different aspects of aircraft maintenance.
186. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
187. Her career was unusual in that she remained within the Customer Service Department throughout, becoming an expert in dealing with complaints.
188. Just because you shop at the local indoor mall does not make you an expert on the retail sector of the economy.
189. The report also criticizes Nirex for seeking to rush through its proposals without proper public consultation and expert examination.
190. This may be achieved by allowing parents to nominate their own expert to observe or jointly conduct any examination or assessment.
191. There is already a strong commitment to developing expert practitioners in Medway,( as demonstrated by the appointment of staff development officers.
192. You must continue to gain expertise, but avoid thinking like an expert. Denis Waitley
193. Richard Perle was a brilliant, brooding defense expert with strongly neoconservative leanings.
194. The person using an expert system to advise a client will be potentially liable under the laws of contract and negligence.
195. All the applications of expert determination have evolved through commercial practice.
196. All along, authorities feared for their safety, because du Pont is an expert marksmen with a large gun collection.
197. For instance, the Expert can observe regular patterns of irregularities in the mains supply and anticipate them in future.
198. An expert is a man who has stopped thinking - he knows! Frank Lloyd Wright
199. Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation programme.
200. Expert groups in many Western countries have already decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results.
201. The intelligence officer then took the map to an expert in aerial photography who determined coordinates for the building.
202. For one thing, I went around the company offering expert assistance to people.
203. Even when the installation has been undertaken by an expert, the inclusion of a circuit breaker is a wise precaution.
204. The reasons for using expert systems technology in aircraft maintenance are explained.
205. Lizzie was an expert and Sara knew little about cookery.
206. Contrast this with the use of an expert system, which prompts the user for inputs as the consultation proceeds.
207. Ken Lowery, a cookery expert, will be giving free demonstrations from 4.30 until 7.00.
208. Like all other major charities, we are employing increasingly expert staff to implement and disseminate the product of expensive information technology.
209. Again, if there had been a Thatcherite on the programme, the Labour expert would have been blown out of the water.
210. In the 1980s, we thought we'd found salvation to our problems in artificial intelligence and expert systems.
More similar words: expertise, expect, expense, expected, experience, experiment, expedition, experienced, unexpected, experimental, at the expense of, expand, expose, export, exploit, explain, explore, explode, assert, insert, desert, exposure, explicit, dessert, other than, over there, concert, certain, convert, property.