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Divisive in a sentence

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Sentence count:61+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: divisiondivisiblesubdivisionprogressivismincisivederisivedecisivedecisivelyMeaning: [dɪ'vaɪsɪv]  adj. dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion). 
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(1) Abortion has always been a divisive issue.
(2) That politician is a divisive influence at meetings.
(3) Private education is often regarded as socially divisive.
(4) The strike was a divisive issue in the community.
(5) He believes that unemployment is socially divisive.
(6) The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US.
(7) He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass.
(8) Reality is more divisive for both nations.
(9) Meanwhile the performance-related pay proposals are destructive and divisive.
(10) The line is too rigid, too divisive.
(11) The abortion issue is an even more divisive issue between sisters.
(12) The more divisive issue was the old question of an election under united Coalition leadership.
(13) He employed a mediation model that eliminated the divisive win-lose element from arguments and substituted the goal of clarification.
(14) More and more, we are drawn to the divisive spat at the expense of the thoughtful insight.
(15) But more important, and certainly more divisive, than such occasions was the endlessly controversial and emotionally potent question of precedence.
(16) The potentially most divisive argument will be about who should be in charge during the dangerous period ahead.
(17) He fails to persuade Hindus to repudiate the divisive and unjust social caste system.
(18) At every turn friendship is violated by the divisive image, an image which serves to predict and to explain.
(19) Ceremonies have been more divisive in character than any other part of ritual or theory.
(20) The language needed to describe unity is itself divisive, each word an island proclaiming its difference from every other.
(21) This country still had a deeply oppressive, unequal and divisive political system.
(22) The longer he resists the pressure for change, the more divisive and dangerous will be his efforts to suppress it.
(23) It was egalitarian and free from the weakening and divisive influence of the Roman world and of urban society.
(24) The charge is that exclusive concentration upon the personal can, in its effects, be socially divisive.
(25) The Scandinavian welfare states assume agreement over issues which can be highly divisive in many parts of the world.
(26) The introduction of grant-maintained schools and city technology colleges is without question divisive, leaving local authority schools as poor relations.
(27) The history they have actually experienced has been much more divisive.
(28) Aside from the dismal academic record of ability grouping, it has a divisive social consequence as well.
(29) Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.
(30) Anti-debt groups in the South are aware of the divisive effect of selective and exclusionary debt relief proposals.
More similar words: divisiondivisiblesubdivisionprogressivismincisivederisivedecisivedecisivelyindecisivedividedivinevisitdividedvisiondivinityvisitorvisiblerevisitundividedskydivingenvisionvisionalrevisionindividualdivinationnativismnativistactivistinvisiblevisionary
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  • Felipe 2023-02-24 13:07:29
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  • Willie 2023-02-24 00:53:14
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  • Guillermo 2023-02-23 18:54:39
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 14:01:58
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  • Jaun 2023-02-23 13:58:55
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