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Exclusive in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+19Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: inclusiveSimilar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveMeaning: [ɪk'skluːsɪv]  n. a news report that is reported first by one news organization. adj. 1. not divided or shared with others 2. excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority 3. not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective. 
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91. She was admitted to an exclusive private clinic in a neighbouring village.
92. What this criticism draws attention to is the bitter truth about teachers' exclusive concentration upon creativity with working-class pupils.
93. Provide a towel for the exclusive use of each child.
94. Sparrow's books bear witness to his movement in the most exclusive circles.
95. Here is the stuff of revivalism, holiness movements, tight church membership requirements and, taken to extremes, exclusive cults.
96. The court action continues Burroughs' exclusive hold on the drug through at least 2005.
97. The country club is very exclusive - you have to be invited to join.
98. Consequently some people become sucked into what they see as an exclusive club which will eventually pay them a hefty financial dividend.
99. Each still has exclusive rights to provide a basic, local telephone service.
100. They will also place technical features overseas on a nationally exclusive basis.
101. The point is that the differences and similarities are not necessarily mutually exclusive; rather, they both raise gender-specific
102. But the power to regulate foreign commerce is necessarily exclusive.
103. To a large extent these two approaches have been mutually exclusive, not to say antagonistic.
104. Schiffer, Turlington and Crawford this year signed exclusive multi-million dollar contracts with top cosmetics companies.
105. For instance, a manufacturer of an exclusive and expensive perfume would not distribute through supermarkets or advertise during peak time television viewing.
106. Read in studio Britain's most exclusive clockmaker is about to call time on his business - because of the recession.
107. Were such arguments for astronomical realism the exclusive property of Protestants?
108. Rationing should not be the exclusive domain of managers and professionals.
109. Dexter guessed immediately that the man was trying to extract an exclusive story on the investigation into the murder of Nicola Sharpe.
110. The atmosphere is subdued and clannish, like the aura inside an exclusive club.
111. Each week we receive exclusive notification of thousands of commercial credit agreements relating to sole traders and partnerships as well as limited companies.
112. Any contracts won on an exclusive basis could affect the price at which it is offered for sale.
113. The wandering spirit was ousted, Diana's younger brother Charles revealed in an exclusive interview, and their beloved dad recovered.
114. This is the case of choosing from among mutually exclusive projects with widely differing costs.
115. The Catholic clergy became more exclusive as the Gregorian Reform was accomplished.
116. A new, exclusive product has shaken the climbing world and is attracting intense interest.
117. There is an exclusive beach club, pool, tennis courts, restaurant, piano bar, nightclub, and beauty centre.
118. As with other long-term agreements, a record company demands an exclusive contract with its recording artists.
119. To the bassets, Buster's arrival was rather like the intrusion of an irreverent outsider into an exclusive London club.
120. It is true that they were exclusive, refusing to give any consideration to those outside their walls.
More similar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveextensivedefensiveimpressiveaggressiveprogressivecomprehensiveplusclueincludestimulusmusicwanderlustcousinincludingconcludeillustratemusicalhousingmusicianbusinessexceedmusic stand
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