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Home > Hard-pressed in a sentence

Hard-pressed in a sentence

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Sentence count:57+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: depresseddressedstressedaddressedobsessedpresscompresssuppressMeaning: adj. facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty. 
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1. The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.
2. Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments.
3. You would be hard-pressed to find a better
4. Hard-pressed junior doctors want shorter working hours.
5. This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.
6. Because of shortages, the emergency services were hard-pressed to deal with the accident.
7. Pity, therefore, the hard-pressed driver of the Sauber-Mercedes.
8. They were hard-pressed even to get a hotel room.
9. Trouble was brewing elsewhere too[], as the hard-pressed William Collins went down to Rupert Murdoch.
10. For example, one is hard-pressed to find an example of a visionary leader who was not also adept at using language.
11. For hard-pressed business people, courses will run during the weekend.
12. Since then, residents have been hard-pressed to find nearby stores that offer quality products at reasonable prices.
13. Hard-pressed gravediggers are burying as many as 100 people a day.
14. So she was hard-pressed to turn down the near constant requests to buy from those sales associates' kids.
15. While hard-pressed police were occupied in rescue work, the heartless thieves descended on local shopping centres.
16. Alternatively, a hard-pressed sector may seek to persuade its government to invoke anti-dumping measures.
17. Axe hacks' snacks One hard-pressed organisation seems determined to keep up its standards despite its financial problems in these hard times.
18. The clinic provides help for hard-pressed families with young children.
19. The latest education reforms have put extra pressure on teachers who are already hard-pressed.
20. The new exams will only add to the workload of already hard-pressed teachers.
21. Finally, I think the tests will simply overburden an already hard-pressed system, and prove unworkable.
22. Homeworking / teleworking Homeworking used to conjure up images of hard-pressed workers licking envelopes or schoolwork that we never wanted to do.
23. So, delay will benefit no one and may add to the financial burdens in already hard-pressed regions.
24. Most are heavily subsidised and represent excellent value for hard-pressed school budgets.
25. It had an educative purpose, and it brought in some cash to hard-pressed regions.
26. Meantime the Trojan camp, fortified only by earthworks and deprived of its leader and its best warriors, was hard-pressed.
27. If the economy falters in 1996, corporate earnings will be hard-pressed to match the performance of the past few years.
28. Funding the pay rise will be more difficult and we fear that hard-pressed services will suffer further.
29. The next few days could decide the fate of thousands of hard-pressed workers, home owners and firms.
30. Indeed, in the midst of gleaming, snorting cappuccino machines, you are hard-pressed to find a decent cup of tea.
More similar words: depresseddressedstressedaddressedobsessedpresscompresssuppressexpresspress forimpressoppressorsuppressionimpressiveexpressionoppressioncompressiondepressionimpressioninexpressiblehardfocussedengrossednonplussedhardwareembarrassedhardshiphardly anyvesselassess
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