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Dividend in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+4Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentMeaning: ['dɪvɪdend]  n. 1. that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly 2. a number to be divided by another number 3. a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus). 
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181. So returns will be more stable on a share with a higher dividend yield, other things being equal.
182. A final dividend of 3p increases the total payout by 1p to 4.15p.
183. The board has recommended a dividend of 0.7p per share, broadly in line with last year.
184. There will not be a final dividend. Pre-tax profits in 1988 were £5.3m.
185. You calculate the dividend yield by dividing the annual dividend by the market price of a stock.
186. Hence, the possibility arises that the information content of the dividend decision may contradict the information presented in other sources.
187. According to the theory, dividend policy should be determined by a simple three-step process.
188. The foregoing strongly suggests that dividend policy and practice contains important information for the shareholder.
188. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
189. Many companies parcel out portions of their profits to stockholders in the form of cash dividend payments.
190. He has lifted his profits forecast for this year slightly to £950 million and expects a 15 percent rise in the dividend.
191. Where dates differ widely from the results announcements, this is referred to in the footnotes as an alternative dividend announcement.
192. However, Dowding can afford to raise the dividend by 5 p.c. to 0.92p, payable on May 8.
193. Shareholders will receive a 15% increase in their total dividend payment to 21p per share from 18.25p.
194. The dividend will be payable on June 10 to shareholders of record on May 29.
195. Group income is better measured by the inclusion of dividend and interest income.
196. An interim dividend of 3.35p was paid on 2 November 1992.
197. It is impossible to know for sure what the fertility responses to a parental dividend would be.
198. The markets' valuation of the future dividend flow will also depend upon the relative attractiveness of alternative investments.
199. Because of this greatly improved performance, the board is recommending a 33% increase in dividend to 0.8 pence.
200. Last month Wimpey decided to hold its dividend despite making losses in 1991.
201. Or a conflict of interest can easily develop with respect to current dividend policies.
202. To that end, Kmart also eliminated its 12-cents-a-share quarterly dividend.
203. He mumbles some nonsense about clowns being the cause of peace - perhaps the money for the convention is the peace dividend?
204. Zero dividend preference shares are also being issued in a ratio of 37 for every 63 ordinary shares.
205. Dividend increases can mean any of the following: 1. Good investment prospects.
206. The board has recommended that the interim dividend be maintained at 2.5 pence per share.
207. There is an inherent difficulty in that often the main dividend from a task analysis is from the act of obtaining it.
208. Hotels-to-racing group Ladbroke's dramatically reduced profits did not unduly worry the City which approved of its increased dividend payout.
209. In either case United Kingdom-linked companies are best avoided, as prolonged recession would result in more company failures and dividend cuts.
210. And for the second successive year, the St Helens based group is forced to cut its dividend.
More similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentevidenceevidentlyprovidentindividual income taxprovidencerugged individualismimprovidentindividual retirement accountpreponderance of evidencevividlividvividlydivinevideodivisordivisivedivisiondivinityprovidedivisibleskydivingdivination
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