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Dividend in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+4Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentMeaning: ['dɪvɪdend]  n. 1. that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly 2. a number to be divided by another number 3. a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus). 
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151. For these reasons, most finns strive to maintain a reasonably stable dividend payment from year to year.
152. The total dividend is increased to 4.8p per share from 4p previously.
153. The dividend was boosted 11 percent, to 2. 7 pence a share, from 2. 43p a year ago.
154. On the other hand they are reluctant to reduce the dividend in response to a fall in distributable earnings.
155. In practice also, the dividend policy chosen by the firm is important.
156. Fund managers may be able to maintain the high dividend payments only at the expense of capital.
157. Here the dividend is greatly increased food output per hectare up two-to threefold.
158. The final dividend, payable on July 1,[] was slashed from last year's 1.5p to 0.9p.
159. Earnings per share rose from 5p to 6.87p and the trust's interim dividend is held at 3.4p.
160. One well-known and generally accepted approach to the problem is the residual theory of dividend policy.
161. Announcement of the Offer will result in more than doubled dividend income for Palatine shareholders.
162. Conglomerate Williams Holdings disappointed the City with the interim dividend unchanged.
163. Green taxes are a double dividend option: they could cut environmental damage whilst promoting welfare.
164. Over the long haul, dividend income has averaged between 4 per cent and 6 per cent.
165. A final dividend of 4p makes a total of 6p.
166. To illustrate, suppose that all dividend payments are concentrated on a single day in each quarter.
167. However, the organisational culture maintaining the patriarchal dividend still seems to be very much a reality.
168. Gearing rose from 50 percent to 56 percent, while dividend cover fell from 3.1 to 2.8.
169. There is no tax advantage to shareholders in receiving shares in place of the normal cash dividend.
170. No, because corporations can not claim a deduction for dividend distributions.
171. A final dividend of 7.25p makes a total of 12.75p for the nine-month reporting period, a prorata increase of 6 percent.
172. Cogeco's board of directors did not declare a dividend for the first quarter, which ended Nov. 30.
173. A lower dividend yield can be compensated for with higher capital gains and viceversa.
174. Barratt was confident to declare a dividend of £1, 200 in 1837 of which he had £300.
175. Without the promise, it must be doubtful whether Ibstock would have held the dividend.
176. The dividend will be paid March 5 to holders of record Feb. 20.
177. It also excludes shares issued in lieu of dividend from counting towards the limitations.
178. No dividend of any imaginable percentage could make parenting profitable-it would just make parental love less expensive.
179. Even Wellcome's healthy interim figures and an improved dividend payout left the stock 8p weaker at 883p.
180. You are still entitled to a dividend on the redemption date.
More similar words: dividedividedundividedcontinental divideindividualindividualismindividualityevidentevidenceevidentlyprovidentindividual income taxprovidencerugged individualismimprovidentindividual retirement accountpreponderance of evidencevividlividvividlydivinevideodivisordivisivedivisiondivinityprovidedivisibleskydivingdivination
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