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Discernable in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2017-03-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: discerniblediscerndiscernmentvisceraleviscerateturn a blind eyeenableunableMeaning: adj. perceptible by the senses or intellect. 
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1. For only a moment, hardly discernable, except to a trained eye, the old Dimitri Volkov had shown himself.
2. There is no discernable offset on the paper.
3. In fact, a rarely discernable faint glow known as the gegenschein (German for "counter glow") can be seen 180 degrees around from the Sun in an extremely dark sky.
4. The boot prints were no longer discernable but be knew where they'd end.
5. There is a discernable pattern with objects in this application.
6. There is no discernable normal lobular architecture, though vascular structures are present.
7. Soft and seductive with cherry and licorice characteristics discernable in the flavors.
8. The discernable unhealthiness of this hard-working scholar discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in China's academia .
9. Those are the only discernable signs of aging that I can find so far.
10. The financial crisis had a small but discernable impact on emissions growth in 2008 – with a two per cent increase compared with an average 3.6 per cent over the previous seven years.
11. Some through passage perhaps occurs in late autumn and is clearly discernable in late March and April.
12. Fermentation takes about 48 hours and a stout, full-bodied,[Sentencedict] dark beer is discernable.
13. Especially his whole body there is no a grain of button on snow-white breadth tunic and use a rose just in the collar don't live, fine latch bone faintly discernable stirring fancy.
14. With smaller urban areas spread across the land surface and coastlines, the outlines of continental land masses are easily discernable at night.
15. Secondly, even though other objects are visible at this distance, according to Shuttle astronaut Jay Apt, the Great Wall is barely discernable, if not invisible.
16. Comet Hartley 2, visible on the right, is now fading but still discernable to northern observers with binoculars.
17. Watching our travelers, we concluded that neither the location nor the style (fields versus link to fields) made a discernable difference.
18. In some people— especially those prone to a poorly developed body schema—the real hand then starts to get ignored by the brain[], marked by a discernable temperature drop.
19. The Planck length is far beyond the reach of any conceivable experiment, so nobody dared dream that the graininess of space-time might be discernable.
20. For some IT shops, especially small ones, editing and organizing their current process on a shared Wiki is enough to gain some discernable benefit.
21. The color code cannot be seen and highlighted entries are not discernable.
22. The colour and degree of tonal changes achieved will vary according to the type of paper: ranging from cool chocolate-brown, through purplish brown, to little discernable change.
23. A map with contours spaced at interval of half wavelength of the viewing light is discernable.
24. Abruzzi still stares at the corner of his cell where a faintly discernable image continues to captivate his attention.
25. This is particularly crucial in the luxury segment where our guests' expectations are understandingly high and we believe there has been no discernable impact on the guest experience.
26. If the comparison to any single tone in the queue exceeds the maximum tonal deviation, specify that the current processing did not produce a discernable tone.
More similar words: discerniblediscerndiscernmentvisceraleviscerateturn a blind eyeenableunabletenableamenabledamnabledisconcertinguntenablepersonabledefinableabominablereasonableexaminableattainablequestionablesustainableinalienableunalienableindefinableimpregnableunreasonableunattainableunimaginableinterminableunsustainable
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