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Developer in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: developdevelopingdevelopmentdevelopmentaldeveloping countriesenvelopeslopelevelMeaning: [-pə]  n. 1. someone who develops real estate (especially someone who prepares a site for residential or commercial use) 2. photographic equipment consisting of a chemical solution for developing film. 
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(1) A local developer is planning to build a supermarket on the site.
(2) Tom is a real estate developer.
(3) He was a very late developer.
(4) Tom was a late/slow developer.
(5) The flats are being built by a private developer.
(6) The developer requested a variance to build a shopping center on the east side of town.
(7) At school she was a late developer[], and it wasn't until she went to university that her talents became apparent.
(8) What's in it for the developer?
(9) The company was an early developer of computer-controlled robots.
(10) He was bright, but a late developer.
(11) Russell is working as a software developer for Microsoft.
(12) For the developer, time is money.
(13) But Microsoft was not just any software developer.
(14) He was what you'd call a late developer.
(15) Empty the developer into a plastic tray.
(16) A developer wants to refurbish the Green Street Hotel.
(17) The firm is described as a leading developer of top-secret weaponry.
(18) Developer Urban Splash is involved and is in the process of buying part of the land.
(19) A city official put his arm around a developer; the chief executive of an advertising agency greeted a banker.
(20) While both developer subsidies passed( ), the narrow margin clearly indicates the voters of this valley are beginning to wise up.
(21) The new release addresses some important developer issues like distributed schema for building families of applications in distributed environments.
(22) Cleveland-based developer next to what would become the Marana border, nothing zoned for more than one house per acre.
(23) When developer Peter Makaus applied for a zoning change, area residents began lobbying to save the wash.
(24) They expect to sell to a developer and move into a modern bungalow on 13 acres less than a mile away.
(25) Charles Keating, once a successful Phoenix property developer, has become the bankrupt symbol of the multi-billion dollar savings-and-loan debacle.
(26) Gregory Ivanov, developer with Sapsan dealer Irbus, says no foreign company yet competes with Sapsan on price or customer support.
(27) They made a deal to sell the land to a property developer.
(28) Some residents of Villa Aspara are unhappy that their developer went bankrupt and was unable to complete the condominiums, Gregory said.
(29) Carbol fuchsin is especially useful for autoradiography as it will not interfere with emulsion and will not wash out in developer.
(30) Supervisor Robert Witmer said he was pleased to hear that the property was sold to a residential developer.
More similar words: developdevelopingdevelopmentdevelopmentaldeveloping countriesenvelopeslopelevelall levelsrevelationdevotedevicebelowfeel outdevastatingbelong tonovelbefore longcounselorsvelteoperacopehopeopenin the long runscopeactivelytraveleropenlyoperate
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