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Openly in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+22 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: franklyfreelysincerelySimilar words: openopeningin the openenlistedonlyif onlyonly toomainlyMeaning: ['əʊpənlɪ]  adv. in an open way. 
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1. They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
2. Extremists were openly advocating violence.
3. He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
4. He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.
5. The people wept openly when his death was announced.
6. The bereaved parents wept openly.
7. The firm openly traded in arms.
8. Sarah talked openly about her problems.
9. He openly shoplifted from a supermarket.
10. He's openly contemptuous of all the major political parties.
11. She has openly criticized the government.
12. He openly boasted of his talents.
13. She was openly hostile towards her parents.
14. Admonish your friends privately,( but praise them openly.
15. She became openly critical of party policy.
16. Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.
17. In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
18. The Prince had shocked society by living openly with his mistress.
19. They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.
20. Dealers are openly plying drugs in school playgrounds.
21. The union had openly flouted the law.
22. They openly accused her of dishonesty.
23. He openly crawled to the boss.
24. He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. We discussed our reservations about the contract quite openly.
26. He was openly critical of his colleagues.
27. They are free to practice their religion openly.
28. The men in prison would never cry openly .
29. She talked openly about her unashamed love of money.
30. He stated his own views quite openly.
More similar words: openopeningin the openenlistedonlyif onlyonly toomainlycommonlyonly thatungainlyonly childcertainlycertainly notspendcopehopeoperapencilhappenslopescopepensionsuspendpenanceexpensepenaltyoperatehappen tospending
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