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Determined in a sentence

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Sentence count:210+47 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: convincedfirmresoluteresolvedserioussureSimilar words: undermineinterminableterminologicalverminnever mindintermitdeteriorateintermittentMeaning: [-mɪnd]  adj. 1. characterized by great determination 2. having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation 3. devoting full strength and concentrated attention to 4. determined or decided upon as by an authority 5. strongly motivated to succeed. 
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31 I haven't determined yet.
32 The Chinese climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world.
33 The opposition to her scheme made her more determined than ever.
34 She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.
35 She's sure to get the job she wants - she's a very determined person.
36 Tiger Woods is determined to erase the memory of a disappointing Cup debut two years ago.
37 The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors.
38 He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.
39 He is obstinate and determined and will not give up.
40 He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.
41 Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.
42 Life and death are determined by fate, rank and riches decreed by Heaven.
43 How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.
44 The size of your pores is determined by the amount of oil they produce.
45 They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.
46 The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.
47 A s he was not reconciled to his defeat,he was determined to try again in the next contest.
48 Successful people don't have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.
49 Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.
50 The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.
51 I won't be fobbed off this time I'm determined to say what I think.
52 Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life.
53 He knew he was in the wrong, but was determined to face it out.
54 He is determined to go abroad to pursue his further study.
55 Chris is so ambitious[], so determined to do it all.
56 We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.
57 He determined to go.
58 She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin.
59 In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
60 The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.
More similar words: undermineinterminableterminologicalverminnever mindintermitdeteriorateintermittentdetectpermitdetentedetectivepermissionpermissiblegrainedcombinedpurloinedmetertermminetermset ceteraveterancemeterykilometermineralnomineeexaminelong-terminveterate
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  • me 2024-06-26 08:52:35
  • me 2023-12-26 05:30:43
  • me 2023-06-10 07:16:26
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  • Grace 2023-02-28 14:29:37
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  • Esteban 2023-02-24 13:03:39
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  • Ella 2023-02-24 00:49:25
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 18:50:49
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 13:58:09
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