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Describe in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: characterizedefinedepictpaintpictureportrayrepresenttellSimilar words: subscriberdescriptionprescriptiontribescriptdescenddiscriminationfiberMeaning: [dɪ'skraɪb]  v. 1. give a description of 2. to give an account or representation of in words 3. identify as in botany or biology, for example 4. make a mark or lines on a surface. 
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241 As a preliminary to this, it is necessary to describe something of the historical background to interwar West Ham.
242 How people describe overtaking behaviour will also be recorded during the survey.
243 Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions(, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges.
244 In organic chemistry it is thus more convenient to describe carbon in terms of its valency than its oxidation numbers.
245 Describe your likes and dislikes , and the type of person you'd like to meet.
246 Pasaret's friends describe him as being like a preppy nerd picking a fight in the toughest biker bar in town.
247 Take our changing use of collective nouns to describe the groups of people we work with.
248 How does one write a travel book, I'd wondered aloud, how describe the sheer physicality of life?
249 Gunnarson may have his hands full with what some critics of the new council majority describe as an aggressive and demanding bunch.
250 The last two really best describe the futility from the title.
251 Kidder has a wonderful term to describe the structures that result in creative collaboration.
252 For our present purpose, however, it is sufficient to note that he did not describe the physical world as autonomous.
253 The Trinity House records of the time describe him as 5 feet 8 inches tall, with black hair and dark complexion.
254 The discourse analyst attempts to discover regularities in his data and to describe them.
255 The point of making these comparisons is that artistic practices affect how a critic should describe a landscape.
256 We have seen charts that describe the organisational chart of a police authority and yet miss off the lowly police constable.sentence dictionary
257 He was prevented from doing so by a miracle, which he prefers not to describe in order to avoid being identified.
258 In the next chapter, we describe a series of experiments designed to explore the extent of this problem.
259 It may be better for auditors to limit the scope of their work and describe it in their report, it concluded.
260 When defining a dynamic variable you describe what the variable can look like in the Type section.
261 At supper that night he tried to describe the experience to Kathy.
262 He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.
263 Other writers are less hesitant about attempting to describe what a fully developed professional is like.
264 Friends and associates describe Starr, the son of a Baptist minister, as a man of deep religious convictions.
265 Friends and family members here who have spoken with Makharadze by telephone since the accident describe him as deeply upset.
266 The authors describe what has been discovered and within what time frame.
267 To describe the situation fully needs recourse to the clock.
268 Too many words trying to describe a small detail or a momentary glance will only destroy the image.
269 Though the tarmac takes a smooth U-turn on to the next straight, rider and machine will not describe such a graceful arc.
270 They require a great deal of digital information to describe them.
More similar words: subscriberdescriptionprescriptiontribescriptdescenddiscriminationfiberliberalrescueribscrewdeliberatelycrisisscreencriticscreamtelescopescratchadolescentcriteriacriticalscrambletribalribbonscreeningcriticizedesertdesignmodest
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