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Control in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+58Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: checkcommandcontaincurbinfluencemasterrestrainSimilar words: out of controlunder controlcontrol groupbeyond controlcontroversycontroversialon the contrarycontrastMeaning: [kən'trəʊl]  n. 1. power to direct or determine 2. a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another 3. (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc 4. a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment 5. the activity of managing or exerting control over something 6. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another 7. discipline in personal and social activities 8. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity 9. the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc. 10. a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine 11. a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance. v. 1. exercise authoritative control or power over 2. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits 3. handle and cause to function 4. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 5. verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments 6. verify by using a duplicate register for comparison 7. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something 8. have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of. 
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121. Young people often chafe under the yoke of parental control.
122. The car went out of control and veered across the road.
123. Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.
124. We've got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.
125. If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
126. The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
127. They rammed an explosive charge home and detonated it by remote control.
128. She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation.
129. She struggled to keep control of her voice.
130. The police are experts in crowd control.
131. He was working hard to keep control of himself.
132. We have to learn to control radioactivity.
133. Theo needs to learn to control his temper .
134. The government is trying to control spending.
135. We have contractual obligations to control prices.
136. Anti-government forces are still in control of the area.
137. A lorry ran down the hill out of control.
138. It took us ages to get through passport control.
139. I can rest easy, knowing everything's under control.
140. The government is keeping tight control on immigration.
141. Davidson lost control of himself and started yelling.
142. The organization wants to remain free from government control.
143. Troops have regained control of the city.
144. The fire is burning out of control.
145. Forest fires were raging out of control.
146. State Socialism advocates state control of industry.
147. Firefighters struggled to control the fire.
148. The delays were due to circumstances beyond our control.
149. The boy is wild and completely out of control.
150. The spacecraft lost contact with mission control.
More similar words: out of controlunder controlcontrol groupbeyond controlcontroversycontroversialon the contrarycontrastcontractcontributeby contrastcontributorcontractorcontrast tocontribute tocontributioncontretempsto the contrarypatrolintroduceintrospectintroductionintrospectioncontendcontaincontextcontestconfrontcontinueconcentrate
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