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Containment in a sentence

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Sentence count:111Posted:2016-10-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: entertainmentcontaincontainerenvironmentalenvironmental protectionmaintainassignmentgovernmentMeaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or to force it to negotiate peacefully 2. (physics) a system designed to prevent the accidental release of radioactive material from a reactor 3. the act of containing; keeping something from spreading. 
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91. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency said it is 48 km long for the overall direction and supervision of Kalamazoo River crude oil clean-up and containment work.
92. It has direct containment core spray I should say, from the suppression pool and has the ability to recirculate water and cool it, cool the containment if you will, from the suppression pool as well.
93. Officials say oil is moving onto land, in spite of boom and other containment measures.
94. This paper studies the keyword search for XML in relational databases, presents two inverted list indexes: extended inverted index based on containment relationship and inverted index based on schema.
95. This paper has investigated and analyzed the phenomena of book loss in university libraries, discussed and studied the cause coming into being , and put forward containment measures for solutions.
96. Andand containment plan when x - ray is not work or other reason.
97. Fukushima-Daiichi's unit 1 is equipped with a GE boiling water reactor with a so-called Mark 1 containment system.
98. Nuclear power plant containment shell is a large-volume pre-stressed reinforced concrete silo-shell structure to prevent radioactivity, and is the most important protected object in special condition.
99. Containment which hypes congenially to the real estate,( is for one year domestic releasing a series of real estate policy core.
100. Containment of highly lethal Ehola virus a serious public health challenge.
101. Eaton's Hybrid Fuel Tank Isolation Valve enables fuel vapor containment within the tank until the engine is available and prevents canister saturation and hydrocarbon leakage.
102. Gaddis , John Lewis. Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
103. In this thesis, FRAMATOME computer code is used to analyze LNPS advanced fuel management Main Steam Line Break accident(MSLB), which includes core consequence and containment response.
104. And it will include closing off the valves on that new containment cap so that they can take solid readings of the pressure inside of that containment cap and inside that well.
105. Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontation,[] and partnership is better than rivalship.
106. These systems are ideal for secondary containment applications inside or outside.
107. Early Production Containment Period - Production runs during the start-up and acceleration of a new or changed product or manufacturing process.
108. Officials say oil is movingonThailand onto land, in spite of boom and other containment measures.
109. We surmise that containment shifts development from exurban and rural areas to suburban and urban ones because of containment boundaries.
110. If they saw to containment, I was convinced that it would win its historical bet.
111. According to Bion, containment not only is the earliest way of communication between mother and infant, but should be the mode of interaction between patient and psychoanalyst as well.
More similar words: entertainmentcontaincontainerenvironmentalenvironmental protectionmaintainassignmentgovernmentenvironmentcontagionmentalmentallyconfrontationelementarycontentdocumentaryexperimentalfundamentalargumentationdevelopmentalcontinentimplementationcontentiousa bone of contentionin memory ofon the contrarycommencementamendmentretainattain
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