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Contactless in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2017-03-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tactlesstactlessnesstactlesslycontactintactlimitlessnessartlesswitless
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1) Thank you for purchasing the Contactless Card Attendance Machine.
2) A method is described for contactless measurement on Hall coefficient of semi-conductors by means of microwave technique.
3) The communication has some properties such as contactless, duplex, low baud rate , low power consumption.
4) The same systems for contactless cards can be used for mobile phones.
5) Laser ultrasonic technique is used for contactless inspection of diffusion bonded steel parts.
6) We have designed a contactless measurement apparatus by a microwave dielectric waveguide reflection method.
7) This paper presents contactless electrical power deliver system in the first place.
8) A rapid method was built for the determination of sodium fluoroacetate in grains by capillary electrophoresis with high frequency conductivity detection (contactless conductivity detection).
9) The next step is the prospect of embedding contactless chips into mobile - phone SIM cards.
10) Its main return circuit adopts thyristor contactless switch, so can turn off circuit quickly, precisely and reliably.
11) A project of ultrasonic contactless support is put forward, and its principle is detailed introduced.
12) Recent advances in capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection ( CE - CCD ) are reviewed with 68 references.
13) It is proposed to develop a contactless method for the purity control of well refined metals by means of this effect.
14) Contactless Mobile Power Supply (CMPS) system is a novel power supply system which can realize power transfer by magnetic couple between static power system and mobile electric facilities.
15) This paper presents the contactless control of flasher with triode.
16) Conditions of excitation voltage and its frequency on contactless conductometric response were optimized.
17) A battery is not required to operate the contactless interface: The necessary energy is tapped from the radio field generated by the card reader.
18) The engineering design of contactless emergency power supply is presented in the maglev.
19) The contactless IC card for meter system is one of the automatic meter reading systems.
20) It supports technology for magnetic stripe encoding[],[] as well as contact and contactless smart cards.
21) In this article, the author analysed the cause of arc tip pressure meter scorched, an improved method for contactless pressure meter.
22) How to control load side voltage is a difficulty of realizing contactless induction power transmission system.
23) We analysed the purchase flow of finance CPU card, got its security and calculation models, then established the equivalence models for contactless IC card.
24) Transcutaneous energy transmission consists of switching circuit, transcutaneous transformer and rectification circuit, which is the basis of energy contactless transmission.
25) Use the thyristor as switch devices in researched and produced new type contactless power voltage supply.
26) The design of the entrance guard checkattendance system based the on contactless IC card is introduced.
27) The new type DC solid state relay is a kind of new contactless switching device, with the new type IGBT and power field effect tube as the core and composed completely by solid state electron devices.
28) That spirit and drive still powers Barclaycard today, not least as we launch contactless mobile payments in the UK.
29) The simulation and experimental results verify feasibility of the contactless energy bi - directional push mode.
30) The main supply including various types of contact and contactless smart card IC.
More similar words: tactlesstactlessnesstactlesslycontactintactlimitlessnessartlesswitlessrootlessrestlesslistlessspotlessdauntlesslimitlessshiftlesspointlesscountlesscontaintalentlessrelentlesseffortlesslycontractcontainedcontagioncontainercontagiouscontractorcontainmentcontaminantcontaminate
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