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Contaminant in a sentence

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Sentence count:67Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contaminatecontaminatedcontaminationstaminaantihistamineruminantdominantpredominantMeaning: [kən'tæmɪnənt]  n. a substance that contaminates. 
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1. Filters do not remove all contaminants from water.
2. The technology exists to remove all of these contaminants through filtration.
3. Contaminants found in poultry will also be found in their eggs.
4. Ash from the burn operation alone left lasting contaminants in the soil along a wide swath of Eighth Avenue.
5. Autopsies have identified at least 24 different contaminants in their bodies.
6. A hand-held chemical agent monitor determines whether any contaminants are still present.
7. Contaminants combined with inappropriate wound care can convert a simple wound to a major catastrophe.
8. Table 8. 4 lists some typical ranges of contaminant levels found in used oils.
9. Both these types of contaminant must be removed by flocculation and filtration.
10. But routine screening of milk for contaminants should have disclosed higher lead levels by mid-October.
11. This enables contaminants, such as lead shot(, to be directly identified.
12. Study on Contaminant Transportation and Transformation in Soil.
13. What contaminant should you be most about and why?
14. These contaminant basically come from at the candle, sizy , fuel, segregation board, plastic wait for material with insecticide.
15. Product must be destroyed if the metal contaminant cannot be found.
16. Say in findings report, the chemical contaminant that exists generally in French household is acerbity salt of formaldehyde, aldehyde, phthalein and DDVP.
17. The likely source of that contaminant in the local drinking water supply.
18. Make sure that all equipment is clean and free of contaminants.
19. However, there are some potential disadvantages in using bioremediation: it only applies to biodegradable contaminants.
20. We want to keep these fish alive here and in good health, and to keep their tissue clean from contaminants.
21. Disposal / re-use of these streams is dependent on both the level and type of contaminants present in the starting material.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. The effluent from paper making contains 10 to 100 times the amount of contaminants produced in the manufacture of polystyrene foam.
23. Twenty-one suppliers didn't give the maximum permitted levels of contaminants like lead or aluminium in water for comparison with actual levels.
24. Because of their stability, they are hard to dispose of and are persistent environmental contaminants.
25. This organism often grows in low numbers, and many laboratories still regard it as a contaminant.
26. The water quality board cited the port in 1995 for excessive contaminants in the convention center operation.
27. Human pollution was thought to play a role, but researchers were never able to identify which contaminant causes P. australis to start producing domoic acid.
28. The speed servo system which has no servovalve is controlled by a electromagnetic clutch. This device is simple in construction and it has high resistance to contaminant.
29. Six months of hard work were required to figure out how to remove the contaminant—some still unidentified product of the mummification process—and obtain a sample ready for amplifying and sequencing.
30. The gas contains blow - by, sludge, acids, oil, and other contaminant.
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