Synonym: explain, infer, interpret. Similar words: construct, construction, constructing, constraint, instruct, instructor, instrument, instruction. Meaning: [kən'struː] v. make sense of; assign a meaning to.
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31. And for decoration lighting of plaza, steel construe, curtain wall, stage background and place of entertainment.
32. Let him construe the letter into English, and parse it over perfectly.
33. To deduce ( a principle or doctrine ); construe ( a meaning ).
34. You can construe what he said in a number of different ways.
More similar words: construct, construction, constructing, constraint, instruct, instructor, instrument, instruction, instructional, demonstrate, constant, struggle against, demonstration, constitute, constitution, constitutional convention, constitutional, unconstitutional, TRUE, come true, non-stop, monster, structure, structural, struggle for, destruction, mainstream, nation-state, CONS, infrastructure.