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Originality in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: originallyoriginateoriginqualitysexualitymortalityessentialityfrigidMeaning: [ə'rɪdʒə'nælətɪ]  n. 1. the ability to think and act independently 2. the quality of being new and original (not derived from something else). 
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1. I was impressed by the originality of the plan.
2. His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light.
3. This latest collection lacks style and originality.
4. A lot of his designs lack originality.
5. Her designs have great originality.
6. Her performance was adequate but lacked originality.
7. Critics praised the originality and eclecticism of her work.
8. I give it ten out of ten for originality.
9. He displayed an originality amounting almost to genius.
10. He was capable of writing things of startling originality.
11. Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.
12. The book is completely lacking in originality.
13. The book is altogether lacking in originality.
14. Her earlier work shows a lot of originality .
15. Originality often triumphs over convention.
16. We must not mistake novelty for originality and quality.
17. We must promote originality and encourage innovation.
18. The government has shown great originality in its foreign policy.
19. The work lacks originality.
20. Your slogan will be judged on its originality and style.
21. We were impressed by the originality of the children's work.
22. He's an imitative artist,( with very little originality in his work.
23. Students are encouraged to show initiative and originality in their work.
24. Alan's work shows unusual talent and originality.
25. She was a writer of astonishing imagination and originality.
26. Originality was never his forte.
27. Joseph's view of kingship had no particular originality.
28. At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.
29. The name of the game in pop music is originality.
30. Not the most stylish mobile, but full marks to Marconi for originality.
More similar words: originallyoriginateoriginqualitysexualitymortalityessentialityfrigiddig inin alla littleminorityall in allfinallypriorityjournalismjournalistcoalitionauthorityimaginationpolitynominallyvalidityrationalizenationalismutilityabilityagilityqualitativefacility
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