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Concussion in a sentence

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Sentence count:103+3Posted:2016-12-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: shockSimilar words: discussionconcessionconclusionin conclusionconfessioncongressionaldraw a conclusionconcurrentMeaning: [-ʌʃn]  n. 1. injury to the brain caused by a blow; usually resulting in loss of consciousness 2. any violent blow. 
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31 Borders, 47, who was in fair condition, suffered a concussion and swelling to the right arm and left eye.
32 He was treated at Sonoma Valley Hospital for neck pain and a mild concussion, and released.
33 This means it avoids rotational forces on its brain, which tend to shear neuronal connections and cause concussion.
34 Parker, who suffered a mild concussion, was monitored overnight by Dodgers officials and by his roommate, pitcher Jim Bruske.
35 The doctor said it could have been a mild concussion.
36 Witnesses would be called who would give testimony about the effects of such concussion upon the brain physiology.
37 He claims Simeon Ferrante was suffering from concussion from a previous drop when he made the parachute jump that killed him.
38 She sustained a mild concussion in the game against the Xplosion, and was held out of action.
38 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
39 As a result of a concussion he contracted spinal meningitis and almost died.
40 Hakkinen was taken to the circuit for a routine check after suffering minor concussion when his car crashed into a barrier.
41 The spent casings were hitting the back of me, and the concussion was pushing my head down.
42 Centre Don Caskie returns for the first time in a month after suffering concussion in Gloucester's defeat at Bath.
43 All the crews of the after guns were knocked over by the concussion, and bled from the nose or ears.
44 Mr Kirwan, who suffered hypothermia, concussion, shoulder and chest injuries and bruising, was released yesterday lunchtime.
45 Lightning flashed across her vision and she thought it was concussion but it was the pilot putting on his cabin-lights.
46 Both immediate and short-term memories are pretty labile and easily disturbed by such things as a concussion.
47 Apart from a broken rib, massive bruises all over my body, and slight concussion, I was in one piece.
48 Tocchet, who suffered a concussion, lay motionless and unconscious as the Bruins' medical staff attended to him.
49 The man has a broken thigh and the woman severe concussion.
50 Palace had Andy Thorn stretchered off with concussion, but he was given the all-clear after X-rays.
51 Ansah was carried off with concussion at Luton on Saturday, but had a precautionary brain scan and reported fit this morning.
52 The risk of serious brain injury with a concussion is very, very low.
53 Mrs Miller had been rushed into hospital with concussion after having walked into a tree in the pitch dark.
54 When a football player suffers a concussion, the electrical circuitry in his brain undergoes a kind of temporary brown-out.
55 The bad news: A concussion that left Young woozy and knocked him out of the game.
56 Planes flashed overhead, the ground shuddered and heaved with the concussion of the blast.
57 I was unconscious for five hours, and suffered concussion and fractures.
58 You could receive a concussion from such a bump.
59 The overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion.
60 Concussion index fell Wednesday, the market adjust apparent stress!
More similar words: discussionconcessionconclusionin conclusionconfessioncongressionaldraw a conclusionconcurrentsessionmissionpassionemissionadmissionpermissionrecessioncommissionmissionaryimpressioncompressionprofessioncommissionerexpressiondepressionaggressiontransmissionprofessionalconceptionconversionconvulsionsconcentration
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