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Session in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+12 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: academic sessionacademic termschool termseancesittingSimilar words: recessionimpressionaggressiondepressionconfessionprofessionprofessionalcongressionalMeaning: ['seʃn]  n. 1. a meeting for execution of a group's functions 2. the time during which a school holds classes 3. a meeting devoted to a particular activity 4. a meeting of spiritualists. 
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1, They will go into secret session.
2, A follow-up session was held after the initial meeting.
3, Congress is now in out of session.
4, The conference might reconvene after its opening session.
5, The resolution was carried at the previous plenary session.
6, The court is now in session.
7, The programme was approved at a plenary session of the Central Committee last week.
8, The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.
9, She has a weekly session at the health club on Saturdays.
10, They briskly exchanged greetings before starting the session.
11, Eventually the session came to a merciful end.
12, I'll be at the plenary session of the conference.
13, This session was strictly for the boys.
14, The two leaders emerged for a photo session.
15, The parliamentary session ends on October 4th.
16, Is Parliament in session during the summer?
17, The tribunal held its first session later that month.
18, We're having a brainstorming session on Friday.
19, Board members met in closed session .
20, Swimming a little further each session will build endurance.
21, This matter will go over until the next session.
22, He established himself as a session musician.
23, The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.
24, Parliament will be in session until 15th December.
25, The president addressed a closed session of Congress.
26, The legislative session prorogued yesterday.
27, An introduction session helps new students get their bearings.
28, The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
29, Two soccer fans plunged to their deaths after a heavy drinking session.
30, It is decided that their proposal will be put before the first plenary session of the congress.
More similar words: recessionimpressionaggressiondepressionconfessionprofessionprofessionalcongressionalmissionemissioncommissionpermissionadmissionmissionarydiscussioncommissionertransmissionassessassessmentexcessiveimpressiveprocessingaggressiveaccessibleprogressiveversionpensiontensionmansioninvasion
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