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Commercial in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+26Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commercial messageSimilar words: summercommentcommencecomment onrecommendmerchantfrom memoryat the mercy ofMeaning: [kə'mɜːʃl]  n. a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. adj. 1. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 2. of or relating to commercialism 3. of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior. 
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241. It must also offer access to competing third-party freight operators' on fair commercial terms'.
242. Data are being gathered from published sources and from interviews with officials, private insurers and commercial bankers.
243. One is that bluegrass seems to be getting more and more slick and commercial.
244. The final element of the project appraisal process involves an overall commercial appraisal of the project.
245. Over 600 economists, businessmen and politicians discussed ways to improve the commercial, legal and administrative framework of East-West economic co-operation.
246. Is it the thought of prizes, a tenured teaching position, the long-shot of commercial success and critical adoration?
247. Few workshop participants anticipated the fantastic growth of commercial users and providers.
248. Between 200 and 300 new commercial stations could come on air in the 1990s and intense competition for advertising revenue is inevitable.
249. On the other hand the accountancy profession has only contributed, to a limited extent, to improving commercial and professional accountability.
250. One of the papers had attacked the commercial for being too emotive.
251. I thought he was a very toffee-nosed man, a good draughtsman in a commercial sort of way, very accurate of course.
252. McMillin Cos. of San Diego is developing the 59-acre shopping center with almost 384,000 square feet of commercial buildings.
253. Standard is selling most of its continental commercial banking operations to WestLB for £100m.
254. At the same time, the number of infants killed in commercial air crashes is extremely low.
255. Kerzner has denied breaking the law, and Sun has characterized the episode as commercial extortion.
256. We might argue, albeit anachronistically, that best commercial practice could also have been adopted in accounting for the bridge.
257. Thanks to the new rules, commercial banks will soon be able to compete with the merchant banks on the same terms.
258. Designing, building, and delivering advanced technology for domestic and foreign governments,[] the military and commercial customers.
259. Two-tier banking system introduced: a federal reserve comprising republican central banks, and commercial banks formed from sectoral state banks.
260. The spirit of high adventure isn't one you'd normally associate with Commercial Paper.
261. Once requisitioned, vessels originally built for commercial purposes had to be adapted for military ones.
262. Thus it is arguable that the traditions of the Comptroller's Department do not fit the task of examining commercial accounts.
263. In May 1994 1.7 hectares in a 20-hectare commercial apple orchard were planted with stands of Golden Delicious.
264. The guidance appears to suggest that the approach to urban and rural industrial and commercial developments should be basically similar.
265. For one thing, a government agency may have commercial or political aims in commissioning surveys or anthologies.
266. Escapade basically provides the experience of taking off and landing a commercial airliner, aboard Britannia's 737 flight simulator.
267. To achieve that goal, he recruited 300 commercial artists, architects, and potential artists from across the country.
268. Governing elites are usually differentiated into military, religious, and commercial aristocracies.
269. As in commercial aircraft, going it alone was never a realistic option.
270. By launching the commercial scheme in the guise of an athletic club it falls within the rules of the Amateur Athletic Association.
More similar words: summercommentcommencecomment onrecommendmerchantfrom memoryat the mercy ofrecommendationracialsocialspecialcrucialofficialsociallyofficiallyjudicialspecialtyespeciallyfinancialspecializespecialistartificialcommencementsocial servicesfinancial crisiscarcinomasper centfierceperceive
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