Antonym: negative. Similar words: terra firma, formation, reformation, information, afflictive, transformation, native, relative. Meaning: [-mətɪv]
n. a reply of affirmation. adj. 1. affirming or giving assent 2. expecting the best 3. supporting a policy or attitude etc.
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151) As a black conservative, he occupies a visible perch, and has not been shy in advancing tough critiques of busing and affirmative action. Sowell gets noticed.
152) All these intentions are affirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms.
153) This answer is affirmative, but what scale also says without certain person absolutely is so exaggerative .
154) Marx's attitude to the western human rights in modern times was affirmative from the very beginning, then turned to be disenchanting.
155) Affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in 1978 in the bakke decision.
156) Affirmative and negative indirect opposability of law both have ample reasons.
157) In verification task, Semantic mismatching significant influenced the comprehension of affirmative sentences.
157) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
158) Selenium polysaccharide possesses special functions. It has an affirmative role in treating protopathic liver cancer.
159) Opposite at before capitalist natural economy, the answer is affirmative of course.
160) Special Rapporteur on the concept and practice of affirmative action.
161) Tales of treatment numerical targets for women - might raise the ire of affirmative - action opponents.
162) But respect answers are in the affirmative in the theory of best approximation.
163) As a practical matter, the ALJ may have greater affirmative responsibility than a trial judge to assure that a full and accurate record is developed at the hearing.
164) There being nothing eatable within his reach , Oliver replied in the affirmative.
165) We look forward to your affirmative reply and will forward our control documents including the Fixed Number to your branches mentioned above upon receipt of your letter of consent.
166) And politicians are opposed to special treatment for minorities, be it through quotas or affirmative action.
167) Driving out the gas of GI by taking UDA is handy and painless and its affirmative effect is confirmed, so it has became first selection of GI preparation for the ultrasound treatment.
168) Also, there are some problems in practice as the short of warranty, and the most important one is insurance fraud which is relatively to the Affirmative Warranty and Promissory Warranty.
169) So, if the critical need is affirmative action, the score adjustment becomes more important.
170) But many universities are convinced that racial preferences ("affirmative action") are necessary to diversify the intake, both racially and sociologically.
171) What may be affirmative will be Carter, Harris and Symons certainly will occupy 3 positions.
172) Some English sentences are superficially negative but they actually connote affirmative, which often confuses translators.
173) Price cheapness, deliver goods quick, the quality suffer the extensive customer affirmative.
174) Growing to return a week is affirmative, whole body month white long robe, in the hand one handle periodical, ferocious on seeing, arrive to also have several charming dashing sensibility of dividing.
175) A : what about affirmative action? Hasn't legislation a lot of the make hierarchy?
176) Every theory of education in our sense will, then, assume an affirmative answer to the first question, though it may do so dogmatically , without discussion.
177) WH - movement is obligatory in English. It changes sentence from affirmative to interrogative.
More similar words: terra firma, formation, reformation, information, afflictive, transformation, native, relative, creative, superlative, tentative, imperative, vegetative, narrative, lucrative, commutative, cumulative, creatively, initiative, indicative, relatively, innovative, cooperative, pejorative, alternative, tentatively, correlative, legislative, qualitative, communicative.