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Adjacent in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+6Posted:2016-12-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adjoiningnearneighboringnext totouchingSimilar words: adjustmentCent.scentcenterper centrecentdecentascentMeaning: [ə'dʒeɪsənt]  adj. 1. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space 2. having a common boundary or edge; touching 3. near or close to but not necessarily touching. 
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91. If the tooth is loosened in its socket, modern dental surgery may be able to fix it to adjacent teeth.
92. Discussion took place regarding the vacant site adjacent to the Railway Inn.
93. It may be the case that adjacent maps use different projections or scales.
94. At Pevensey, reclamation of the adjacent estuary had reduced tidal scouring, which had previously kept the river mouth open.
95. Similarly burial plots at seismic locations have been constructed by the use of seismic stratigraphy and correlation with adjacent well positions.
96. Large numbers of important military installations are located in or immediately adjacent to urban areas.
97. Article 6 assumes a series of delimitation agreements between adjacent States allowing for bilateral relationships within the overall multilateral regime.
98. Adjacent to this was a quenching tank for use in conjunction with the gas ring.
99. Alternatively, subducted oceanic crust may be able to pull adjacent continental crust down into the asthenosphere.
100. At the eight-celled stage the yellow cytoplasm is confined to a pair of adjacent cells.
101. Such double-bodied beings were thought to have roamed the forests and pasturelands adjacent to Arcadian Olympia.
102. The adjacent Museum and Art Gallery features many temporary exhibitions.
103. Adjacent to the site is land without any planning permission.
104. In adjacent streets, there are disused and even derelict buildings which would far better repay investment.
105. The drive is transmitted into the adjacent mill building which houses two complete sets of grinding gear and allied crushers, etc.
106. It is very difficult to see why two adjacent planets should accrete such radically different materials.
107. It appeared that these offsets marked some kind of lateral movement between adjacent sections of oceanic crust.
108. As the molecules move and bump into adjacent molecules, they also move.
109. An application has been made to establish a hot food shop adjacent to the chip shop.
110. From where Nathan was sitting, in a chapel adjacent to the altar, he could hear the cathedral filling up.
111. These adjacent police forces were physically aberrant in nuance of bodily style and were therefore deemed to be socially incorrect.
112. It was very advantageous for Edward to have his brother in so central a position, adjacent to the Capetian demesne.
113. Repeat the process on an adjacent area, drawing the full brush towards the previously coated area.
114. We sat with the four or five others already there and began munching on bread baked in the adjacent kitchen.
115. Some areas are viewed more than once during this 16-day repeat cycle because they lie in an area of overlap between adjacent orbits.
116. This could easily occur if the spur was taken through a wall to feed a socket in an adjacent room.
117. The link was adjacent to the neurological ward and special care baby unit.
118. The adjacent roads were then diverted into the new town.
119. The Secret Service will provide protection immediately adjacent to the chief executive,[sentence dictionary] Meyer said.
120. The grazing marshes adjacent to the river are an important wildlife habitat.
More similar words: adjustmentCent.scentcenterper centrecentdecentascentaccentnascentcenturycentralrecentlyincentiveinnocentreticenteccentricplacementcenturionsenescentpercentagequiescenteffacementadolescentaccentuatelicentiousegocentrictranslucentreminiscentconcentrate
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