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Adjacent in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+6Posted:2016-12-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adjoiningnearneighboringnext totouchingSimilar words: adjustmentCent.scentcenterper centrecentdecentascentMeaning: [ə'dʒeɪsənt]  adj. 1. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space 2. having a common boundary or edge; touching 3. near or close to but not necessarily touching. 
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121. In the adjacent valleys infilling occurred, with the consequent gradual burial of any sites which may have existed there.
122. They carry within their range of possibilities, which includes their genetic coding, information about adjacent and surrounding systems.
123. Punctured plastic bags blow across the adjacent plots of waste land.
124. Up to sixty people can be seated and full catering facilities are available in the bar and cafeteria which are immediately adjacent.
125. Sessions will take place both indoors at the centre and outdoors on the adjacent comprehensive school playing fields.
126. We marched into a low building adjacent to she main heliport and sat at gray tables, four candidates to a table.
127. Two wooden benches, unoccupied, their surface polished by human friction, repeated the corner made by their adjacent walls.
128. There was a separate shower to my immediate left with an opaque glass door, bathtub adjacent.
129. This makes it hard for the heart to pump blood into the adjacent organ, causing the heart to enlarge and weaken.
130. They could be found, posing madly, directly adjacent to whatever was going free at any bohemian hostelry in town.
131. It is, for example, a public space and yet a private one too, as an extension of the adjacent buildings.
132. A major late north-north-west thrust episode has been identified, possibly associated with movements on the Boundary Slide in adjacent areas.
133. The underlying pathology is a widely distributed inflammatory lesion in peripheral nerves, with adjacent demyelination.
134. The new area will be created by extending into the adjacent palaces of Mauri and Finestres on the Calle de Montcada.
135. An adjacent area, Lagalochan, has more recently been investigated as a gold prospect.
136. She could hear the adjacent streetlight sizzling like a radioactive isotope.
137. Many tournament organisers miscalculate entry levels with the result that adjacent areas are crowded together and the competitors' safety is imperilled.
138. Essex displayed strong individual characteristics, not even the forested western fringe being markedly differentiated from the adjacent parts.
139. Any time you interrupt more than one joist, the adjacent joists must be doubled to carry the load.
140. These in turn inhibit some adjacent cells but excite others further away, and so on.
141. Great earthquakes occur adjacent to the inclined contact between the two plates.
142. Fields adjacent to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels of radioactivity.
143. The gizzard was adjacent to the stomach and lined with hard plates and sandpaper-like surfaces.
144. The saga of North Shields town centre and adjacent housing areas.
145. Robert Maxwell bought the houses and some of the adjacent land in nineteen eighty eight.
146. Evidence is accumulating to show that gut epithelial cells interact closely with adjacent mononuclear cells.
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147. We welcome disabled visitors to whom we offer excellent purpose-built accommodation with parking adjacent to all rooms.
148. Decline and decay in one location will soon impact adjacent areas.
149. Military aides bustled back and forth in the doorway of an adjacent room.
150. Exhibition mounted in a wide corridor adjacent to the hall.
More similar words: adjustmentCent.scentcenterper centrecentdecentascentaccentnascentcenturycentralrecentlyincentiveinnocentreticenteccentricplacementcenturionsenescentpercentagequiescenteffacementadolescentaccentuatelicentiousegocentrictranslucentreminiscentconcentrate
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