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Adhesion in a sentence

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Sentence count:227Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: adhesivecohesionhesitationadherelesionadhere toadherentadherenceMeaning: [əd'hiːʒn]  n. 1. abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen 2. a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures 3. the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition 4. faithful support for a religion or cause or political party. 
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31 A low inherent friction and adhesion value also reduces wear.
32 Cell adhesion forces were measured by means of micropipette aspiration technique.
33 The segmentation of the pathological lungs adhesion tumor division is the radiotherapy target area limits key.
34 These improvements further the applications of BFP in the field of cell adhesion.
35 Interfacial adhesion strength of composite is characterized by the methods of torsional braid analysis.
36 This paper, by analyzing the information about 126 infants with adhesion of labia minora, explores the causes of this abnormality and puts forward coping nursing strategies.
37 The reasons and measures for slag adhesion and over wight of 300t ladle in Baosteel have been discussed.
38 Adhesion, wear and corrosion resistance of the coatings obtained were compared with those of conventional bluing at room temperature.
39 Adhesive action of a sizing agent to a fibre is a basic concept in sizing engineering, as only warp sizing with good adhesion is able to protect warp yarns during the weaving process.
40 The short line market will still shake under the even line adhesion tendency, the investor is not suitable acts heedlessly .
41 The adhesion , micro - hardness and abrasive resistance of the film were tested.
42 And that the Asahi Chemical Ind. Co. has developed the "Non-adhesion technology"too. There has been a big reduce in the adhesion of the fluororubber surface, and the rate of finished products has...
43 The results showed that the resistance of adhesion failure decreased with increasing the amount of tackifier.
44 A method of identifying road adhesion coefficient based on wheel slip ratio is investigated in this paper.
45 The adhesion of the coating was tested by fatigue bending test and scratch test.
46 Erythrocyte adhesion function had not been suppressed for a long time, female swimmers were adaptative to the HiLo for two weeks.
47 Additionally, the adhesion between primer coat can reach grade 0 only by readjustment of putty formulation.
48 BACKGROUND: High-porosity polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofiber scaffolds have a good multi-pore structure for the adhesion and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and perfect biocompatibility.
49 If any resin other than epoxy-base one is used, the adhesion and airtightness to prevent moisture entrance shall be well examined.
50 To investigate the mechanism of collagenase in preventing adhesion of intrathecal tendon.
51 In human cells, interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 1(IFITM1) is a component of protein complexes involved in homotypic adhesion and the transduction of antiproliferative signals.
52 Integrin is an important cellular adhesion molecule, which mediates many biologic actions such as cell - cell adhesioncelladhesion.
53 co-administration of Shuanghuanglian injection and Sanhuang capsule could attenuate the postoperative adhesion.
54 The anti-skid control method is researched deeply aiming at the problem of wheel-rail's adhesion during braking.
55 But an 'oversteery' chassis helps the driver to turn into a corner and, at the limit of adhesion, enables a skilled driver to carry far more speed through a corner than understeer.
56 Objective:To evaluate the effects of biocolloid and chitosan on preventing adhesion and promoting functional recovery of tendon after tenorrhaphy.
57 Pine of long flexor tendinous adhesion understands art, 12 routine!
58 Methods The adhesion forces of MHCC97H cells with high metastatic potential transfected with sense or antisense KAI1 expression plasmid were measured by means of micropipette aspiration technique.
59 Joining of alloy white cast iron, as an unsmoothed surface material, and steel is one of the key techniques in study of the reduction of soil adhesion and resistance of bionic unsmoothed surfaces.
60 The activity of cast-off cells and the change of cell focal adhesion were determined by cast-off counting and Trypan blue staining assay.
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