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Adhesion in a sentence

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Sentence count:227Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: adhesivecohesionhesitationadherelesionadhere toadherentadherenceMeaning: [əd'hiːʒn]  n. 1. abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen 2. a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures 3. the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition 4. faithful support for a religion or cause or political party. 
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61 In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
62 Fig . 8 . 15 shows some experimental results for limiting adhesion against creep.
63 Conclusion The prevention of white mustard compound in postoperative adhesion of abdominal cavity is so effective and easy to manipulate that it...
64 To study the adhesion of subgingival predominant bacteria on implant materials.
65 Conclusion: Intervenient techniques of contrast examination of pleural cavity and pleural adhesion with tetracycline under TV fluoroscopy were economical and practicable and easily performed.
66 The author has developed HY-2 adhesion sensor and the load monitoring system for HYRI-2 tip truck of power-driven wheels.
67 Multivariate analysis showed that cholecystic wall thickness and adhesion of Calot′s triangle were independent risk factors for conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery.
68 The Lyme disease agent, Borrelia burgdorferi, causes infection by migration through tissues, adhesion to host cells,( and evasion of immune clearance.
69 Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were separated by trypsin digestion and differential adhesion and divided into two groups, cells were treated with 5 - bromo deoxyuridine (5-Brdu) as Control group.
70 OH Value(Solids): 80; Stone-chipping resistance, adhesion, Automotive mid coat, aluminium paint and industrial baking enamel.
71 The modification the resin matrix can enhance the adhesion force to temperature alter and heat proof.
72 A lyisi of adhesion was carried out for this case. Conclusion. Hand-assisted laparoscopic subtotal colectomy is a safe and feasible operation in the treatment of STC.
73 Objective To discuss the clinical effect of blunt dissection of baby adhesion of labia minora.
74 The adhesion mechanism of barnacle , limpet, anemone[], tube worm are described in this paper.
75 However, it has unsolved disadvantages up to present time, such as poor noise immunity in low flux, low interference immunity and adhesion of the sensor surface that affects the meter sensitivity.
76 Objective To explore the effective methods of repairing flexor tendon coloboma and preventing tendon adhesion.
77 The surface morphology, texture and adhesion of the diamond films were investigated by means of scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer and Rockwell hardness tester.
78 The adhesion coefficient of automobile tire and road surface is analyzed considerately and the formula about it conducted.
79 Apart from the dependencies of the three anti-Bolshevik Powers, Germany hopes for and aims at obtaining the adhesion of Rumania and possibly of Poland.
80 Another area of current interest concerns the possible role of cell surface glycoproteins in cell adhesion.
81 Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), a representative of adhesion molecules, joins in cell mediated immunoreaction through promoting adhesion between immune cells and target cells.
82 If contracture resulted from adhesion formation is present, it will be released with methods such as splinting, kneading, and stretch, and good cooperation of the patient.
83 Posterior belly of digastricus and its adhesion of mastoid are important marks in searching for the middle part of external carotid artery.
84 Objective To evaluate the effect of fibrin glue on preventing adhesion after celiac operation.
85 Fast dry, Adhesion , Gloss, With non - yellowing film, Water & grease resistance .
86 Starting from the special adhesive property for plastic cooling fillers used in cooling tower, this article discussed and studied the composition and main adhesion and property of damp and heat aging.
87 Excellent adhesion. Chemical resistance . Boiling and alcohol resistant. High gloss . fastness.
88 To seal rings the film needs adhesion and cohesion strength to prevent blow-by , compression loss, and oil by- passing the rings to the combustion chamber.
89 Conclusion The prevention of white mustard compound in postoperative adhesion of abdominal cavity is so effective and easy to manipulate t...
90 This explanation has been useful in guiding the search for improved adhesion promoters.
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