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Wimple in a sentence

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Sentence count:10+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: simpleimplementimplementationamplecomplexcompletetemplesampleMeaning: ['wɪmpl]  n. headdress of cloth; worn over the head and around the neck and ears by medieval women. 
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1. The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.
2. She put her wimple on the bust of Newman and developed a taste for pants suits.
3. Never can one find a single wimple on this cloak.
4. Never could one find a single wimple on this cloak.
5. Dongmou and son lying ona bedindoor wimple, his wife sitting on the floor.
6. She was dressed in dark blue velvet, a high white lace wimple on her head.
7. She stared calmly back, her jet black hair escaping from underneath the wimple.
8. To which he did respond by saying, Listen, you nun you, you lily white wimple.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Like all demons, he had a good memory for faces, even after ten years, the loss of a wimple, and the addition of some rather severe makeup.
10. All she needed to do was raise the hemlines, raise the heels, and leave off the wimple.
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  • Maria 2023-02-28 17:27:23
    Goodnight moon                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                              
  • Willie 2023-02-24 16:00:40
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                           
  • Ella 2023-02-24 03:47:04
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                         
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 21:48:10
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                         
  • Fernando 2023-02-23 16:55:22
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 16:52:11
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 07:47:21
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Enrique 2023-02-22 15:21:16
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            Why? Can you tell me why?                                                                                                                            Why are you not searching on PonyExpress? It has 300 million sentences.                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                              
  • ☑☑☑Approved User☑☑☑ 2023-02-15 20:07:07
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            I think is MUCH better than this site. Google lengusa and search the same keyword...                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                              
  • me 2023-02-15 20:07:06
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