Synonym: executable, feasible, practicable, workable. Similar words: reliable, variable, sociable, insatiable, able, table, cable, gabled. Meaning: ['vaɪəbl] adj. 1. capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are 2. capable of life or normal growth and development.
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61. It is not viable to create agenda items which partners will find irrelevant or unmanageable.
62. But they say that around £100 million is needed to ensure such projects are economically viable in the short term.
63. Putting it together Having bought a potentially viable holding, you must plan a programme for working it up to meet your aspirations.
64. So long as no viable cause for continental drift could be demonstrated, however, belief in it remained an act of faith.
65. In its case, although just viable, opinions over its right to life are fiercely contested.
66. Given the limited scale of release in Britain, the results were encouraging rather than commercially viable.
67. Changing print technology will simply serve to reduce further these barriers to entry, making even lower print runs economically viable.
68. Without a working budget, or a viable rescue plan, the organization continued its disastrous descent into the financial sinkhole.
69. What keeps the propliners of the world still going as viable business propositions is an item known as the bottom line.
70. This is not a viable option in the long run.
71. But a few weeks on the job convinced him that mere maintenance was not, in this instance, a viable option.
72. These approaches produced successes, and the subfield of expert systems became commercially viable.
73. A merger, Nicholson added, is a more viable alternative to keeping the brewery open than the planned management buy-out.
74. Many may argue that such a precise level of customer communication is not commercially viable or technically feasible.
75. The only possible qualification is a case in which the choice may lead to the death of a viable foetus.
76. The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
77. It is slightly longer and more expensive, but is nevertheless a viable alternative should the Qatif alignment be politically unfeasible.
78. As the original lease had expired, a new Committee was appointed to consider how best to make the garden viable.
79. Added to the Right-On readers, they effectively expanded the core group and provided a viable number of buyers.
80. When it was determined that the eggs were not viable, the owl was moved to another tree in the park.
81. One is the difficulty of establishing a viable and nationally recognised definition of physical abuse.
82. Commercially viable deposits of lignite were confined to the area around Lough Neagh in the early 1980s.
83. Natural gas provides a viable alternative to petrol and diesel(sentencedict .com), offering a large cost saving per gallon.
84. A board was nominated to run each industry as a viable commercial enterprise.
85. It would be up to the scientists to decide which is the viable option and which belongs to the realm of science fiction.
86. Most schools are in such poor physical condition and are so poorly equipped that this is unlikely to be a viable option.
87. What was once an economically viable privilege becomes an economically unviable entitlement.
88. This uses up energy, weakening the plant and reducing its chances of producing viable fruit.
89. The first two figures revealed that everyone was looking to the farm to be financially viable.
90. They've devised a series of guidelines that will enable the beauty spot to stay both commercially viable and beautiful.
More similar words: reliable, variable, sociable, insatiable, able, table, cable, gabled, notable, usable, enable, unable, be able to, affable, capable, tableau, parable, palpable, suitable, adorable, renewable, amenable, amicable, bearable, culpable, disabled, vegetable, comparable, miserable, timetable.