Synonym: authentic, bona fide, regular, unquestionable, veritable. Similar words: suitable, equitable, profitable, inevitable, hospitable, inimitable, creditable, inequitable. Meaning: ['verɪtəbl] adj. 1. often used as intensifiers 2. not counterfeit or copied.
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31 This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
32 Picked out in silhouette is a swarm, a veritable plague, of humanity.
33 Under my instruction, Soap Distant has turned the allotments into a veritable minefield.
34 The meeting promises a veritable smorgasbord of all things otherworldly, this time with a focus on those eerie Phoenix lights.
35 The studio was a veritable Land of Song, exemplified by the ever-popular programme of that name.
36 A sweet shop then was a veritable Aladdin's Cave for children, for most sweets were sold loose.
37 But to Paula Ladies' Fashions was a veritable Aladdin's cave of delights.
38 And then came a knight in tarnished armour, a veritable giant amongst singer-songwriters from Barking.
39 This meant all the leftovers had to be frozen in a veritable stack of containers.
40 Unfortunately, Villa Maura is now a golfer's paradise and veritable warren of timeshare villas.
41 On those occasions the CHAzn presents a veritable concert of liturgical selections, often with a choir to assist him.
42 It was a superb head, a veritable trophy of trophies, and a marvellous ending to the trip.
43 Add into this vagaries of the weather and a veritable hubbub of movement and change emerges.
44 Dolls, like everyone else, should have somewhere to live and here is a veritable estate of miniature houses.
44 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
45 Cranston loved this place, a veritable den of iniquity but one which sold good ales, fine wine and delicious food.
46 During the 1950s, Pfeffer was a veritable steamroller, filing suits or joining them throughout the country.
47 Their entourages were veritable armies of halberdiers, gunners and servants accompanying their master on his journey to the capital.
48 She was a veritable Venus with her dark eyes and black, curling hair which tumbled down to her shoulders.
49 This is a veritable fairyland.
50 We hate and loathe these veritable fiends.
51 The public gave her a veritable ovation.
52 The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt.
53 Stuart Tannahill'sshed is a veritable hive of photographic creativity.
54 This book is a veritable storehouse of information.
55 Beat his opponent in the match to a veritable fare-thee-well.
56 It was a veritable barbecue,[] a crude and primitive feasting.
57 When this is done, one land unit stands out uniquely and unchallengeable: Eurasia, the veritable heartland of world history since Neolithic times.
58 This veritable change in how we compute provides immense opportunities for IT personnel to take the reins of change and use them to their individual and institutional advantage.
59 These gas-sipping vehicles became a veritable symbol of the consumers' power to strike a blow against global warming.
60 We should execute and destroy such veritable fiends and dregs of humanity.
More similar words: suitable, equitable, profitable, inevitable, hospitable, inimitable, creditable, inequitable, inhospitable, uninhabitable, heritage, table, inevitably, notable, tableau, vegetable, portable, immutable, debatable, timetable, comfortable, on the table, palatable, adaptable, acceptable, tablespoon, unbeatable, delectable, uncomfortable, respectable.