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Unemployed in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+26Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: idlejoblessout of workunoccupiedSimilar words: unemploymentemployeremployeeemployemploymentannoyedoverjoyedployMeaning: n. people who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group). adj. not engaged in a gainful occupation. 
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211. For many unemployed youths, violence is an outlet for their frustrations.
212. As a result some of the hill farms are being joined together - amalgamated - and farm labourers are becoming unemployed.
213. Applicants may be in full-time employment, self employment or unemployed.
214. Being unemployed has all the social, psychological and moral effects characteristic of men but with additional gender-specific dynamics.
215. This move alone will not ensure that the working partner of an unemployed person is not penalized for working.
216. But there is no evidence that the unemployed or the poor are being pushed to crime by the deteriorating economic conditions.
217. With mass unemployment, means-tested supplementary benefit is the new mass benefit for the unemployed.
218. There are several benefits you can claim if you are unemployed.
218. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
219. As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
220. Now Sakata, with its new car, Glory, had at least made a dent in the numbers of unemployed.
221. But steelworkers, desperate, unemployed, do not know any of this: they think it is all for real.
222. Barry had everything going for him -- charm, looks, intelligence, but still he was unemployed.
223. Similarly(, the unemployed found the focus of their social circle also becoming centred on heroin.
224. Those unemployed in the 1972 survey had been classified by their last job.
225. He was left in feeble health, unemployed and with a wife, three-year-old daughter and a newly-born one.
226. The pressure was still so great by 1924 that 40 percent of all urban youths under the age of 18 were unemployed.
227. Those unemployed were to receive 100 percent of their former wage during the first month of redundancy and 60 percent thereafter.
228. Summers and Clark also discovered that unemployment insurance roughly doubles the number of people who stay unemployed for more than three months.
229. Since January 1986 the number of unemployed claimants in the Aberdare travel to work area has fallen by 27 percent.
230. Unemployment has reached post-war records, and government schemes for the unemployed have replaced each other at a very fast pace.
231. James Andrews, a former Lloyds insurance broker, now unemployed, was ill for 18 months.
232. That does not surprise me, given that 20 percent. of the male population in Newham are currently unemployed.
233. Mr. Howard On the seasonally adjusted basis there were 2,546,000 unemployed claimants in December 1991.
234. It appealed for sympathy with the unemployed in a way which did not challenge the consensus about the problem.
235. It would be equally ridiculous to think of taxing only unemployed workers to finance the unemployment compensation payments which they receive.
236. For example, if the male breadwinner is unemployed, more of the domestic tasks may fall to him.
237. A motley bunch of students, ex-convicts and unemployed artists worked together to repair the building.
238. Some figures showed that as many as 40 percent of Soviet immigrants were unemployed.
239. Now she's unemployed and her husband has tuberculosis and they live on supplementary benefit with their two children.
240. In other words, any immigrant, disabled, single-parent, unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up.
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