Synonym: indifference, lethargy, unconcern. Antonym: fervor. Similar words: sympathy, pathetic, worthy, wealthy, with young, a pair of, set apart, apart from. Meaning: ['æpəθɪ]
n. 1. an absence of emotion or enthusiasm 2. the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally.
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2, His apathy just made her even more frustrated.
3, Once defeated, he sank into apathy.
4, His apathy necessitates stimulation.
5, The campaign failed because of public apathy.
6, Voter apathy is especially high among young people.
7, There is widespread apathy among the electorate.
8, Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy.
9, Apathy is one of the maladies of modern society.
10, He was sunk in apathy after his failure.
11, Such attitudes can only lead to apathy.
12, Today, public fury alternates with apathy.
13, Many health education campaigns are still greeted with apathy.
14, Yet there is still a public apathy.
15, Authoritarian management often leads to apathy among employees.
16, But apathy will be the real winner.
17, Worker apathy has been and remains rampant.
18, But, as Server shows us,( he learned apathy the hard way.
19, After a century or so of political apathy, Hong Kong's young people were making up for lost time.
20, Such apathy is indicative of the generally low emphasis and under-investment in health education and preventive medicine in Britain.
21, The apathy of the people towards unemployment was one of the things that caused so little notice to be taken of it.
22, It yielded inefficiency, apathy, and disunity-the very things we did not see in action in the Gulf.
23, Instead apathy reigns, not least among the young, even students.
24, Public apathy and political ignorance is an indisputable fact today.
25, Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy.
26, What can average citizens do in the midst of such public apathy and lean government support?
27, Our inner lives have been hideously diminished by isolation from an ecosocial matrix, weighing us down with sadness and apathy.
28, No, this time the Man of Steel faces a much deadlier opponent: Apathy.
29, This means groups can not plan in the medium and long term, creating uncertainty and apathy amongst staff on limited contracts.
30, She tallied up the revelations, and put all the signs of apathy and bafflement out of mind.