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Unemployed in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+26Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: idlejoblessout of workunoccupiedSimilar words: unemploymentemployeremployeeemployemploymentannoyedoverjoyedployMeaning: n. people who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group). adj. not engaged in a gainful occupation. 
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181. In return for the lenders' initiative, the Government agreed to pay lenders directly the mortgage interest for unemployed borrowers receiving income support.
182. The Conservatives have created greater cleavages between the employed and the unemployed.
183. As for the economically active, 56 percent were employed full- or part-time and 44 percent were unemployed.
184. The scheme for civilians ended in November 1919, but some unemployed ex-servicemen continued to receive the donation until March 1921.
185. One way to examine the issue is to consider the possible effect on the health of unemployed people.
186. It hates the sight of the unemployed, and it hates to see them marching, with Jesse Jackson, etc.
187. But the policy emphasis was always on job creation stimulated by economic development rather than on direct assistance to the unemployed.
188. She is unemployed and depends upon benefits to make ends meet.
189. Only 5.6% of women are currently unemployed - a third below the peak in 1986.
190. She is unemployed,[] and bringing up two young daughters on benefits.
191. By 1919 the number of soldiers began to decrease and the numbers of unemployed to increase.
192. For those unemployed and with a family, the added worry of responsibility for the next generation must be bewildering.
193. But the most concerted challenge was manifest in struggles waged by the unemployed around the poor law.
194. Even these unemployed young people contrast with their counterparts in the inner-city areas in having potentially marketable skills and qualifications.
195. And this time, more people with high-flying lifestyles and big mortgages to match are among the unemployed.
196. The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways.
197. An added benefit, they say, is that it offers a lifeline to the unemployed.
198. For example in 1983, only 30% of unemployed men had working wives, compared with 58% of employed household heads.
199. By the time we returned to the bar Karen's extramarital virginity had been lost beyond recall. unemployed.
200. The high interest rates it dictates strike down, without distinction, small businesses, the family farm, and the unemployed.
201. Unemployed people are described as lazy, scroungers, living off the tax payer, etc.
202. Pollution Tax: Many of the unemployed income tax collectors will be retrained as Pollution Inspectors.
203. Four pilot Workstart schemes will be started, offering financial assistance to employers who take on people who have been long-term unemployed.
204. Second, other parts of the social security system actively discriminate against the unemployed.
205. We are making sure that employment training is making its full contribution to the aim and guarantee groups for the long-term unemployed.
206. In 1987, over one million children were living in families with an unemployed head.
207. The first two Conservative governments presided over an economy which produced ever increasing numbers of unemployed people.
208. The unemployed movement served to increase Communist influence, but was attacked for not doing so fast enough.
209. We will offer unemployed people a range of employment and training opportunities.
210. The unemployed, then, are broadly defined to include the unregistered unemployed, particularly women.
More similar words: unemploymentemployeremployeeemployemploymentannoyedoverjoyedploydeploydeploymentunexploredimplodeimploreimploringtempleimploringlyexemplarexemplaryexemplifycontemplatecontemplatedcontemplationexemplificationdestroyerfrayedcloyalloydecayeddelayedarrayed
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