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Uncommon in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+11Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: differentinfrequentnoveloriginalrarescarceuniqueunusualAntonym: commonSimilar words: in commoncommoncommonlyincommodiouscommon goodcommon groundcommonwealthmake common cause withMeaning: adj. 1. not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind 2. marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind. 
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151) Chrysiasis is an uncommon permanent blue-gray discoloration occurring on the sun-exposed skin of the patients who have been exposed to gold salts.
152) An important and uncommon pair of gilt and very finely wrought iron torch holders.
153) During the American Revolutionary War it was not uncommon for spectators to watch some of the major battles.
154) The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who burned to death.
155) Dr Abou - Alfa: As you mentioned, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma ( IHC ) remains an uncommon disease.
156) It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.
157) These uncommon lesions appear on chest radiograph as a "coin lesion" that has a differential diagnosis of granuloma and localized malignant neoplasm.
158) It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room.
159) Eyes open to see, God is really uncommon two Flying Swallow --- do not know when I flew into the small fanlight room.
160) Cixin watchcase material USES 316L stainless steel, leather strap, of primitive simplicity of classical elegance fully round watchcase of fashionable element, uncommon grade immediately show.
161) Uncommon type of bond which allows the bondholder to redeem the bond at a specified price prior to maturity.
161) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
162) "I hope she will prove a well-disposed girl, " continued Mrs. Norris, "and be sensible of her uncommon good fortune in having such friends. "
163) Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis ( TEN ) syndrome is an uncommon, acute, life - threatening, medication related disorder.
164) This uncommon word, never before spoken in Star Wars, an anchorite is someone who has withdrawn from society to become somewhat of a religious hermit.
165) Reconstitution of T cell immunity is particularly relevant to chronic hepatitis B, where a sustained cure by direct-acting antivirals is uncommon.
166) It is not uncommon to equate arterial blood flow or cardiac output with adequate perfusion.
167) Unfortunately , effective method is still very uncommon, and there is no quantitative technique for quality evaluation.
168) P. D. James has gained an enviable reputation for creating detective stories of uncommon depth and intricacy, combined with the sort of humanity and perceptiveness found only in the finest novelists.
169) Strong black cherry and toast notes with even a hint of brier; this shows uncommon muscle for the vintage. Nice hint of blackberry on the finish.
170) Rupture of the renal pelvis found on intravenous pyelography (IVP) is uncommon, is usually associated with acute ureteric colic, and may be a relatively benign condition.
171) Inflammatory fibroid polyp, an uncommon lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly occurs in the stomach.
172) Fortunately, these conditions are uncommon in patients with hematologic malignancies[], with the exception of promyelocytic leukemia.
173) In some countries a hunting parson is no uncommon sight.
174) Results: Our study sample consisted of 87 cases of ependymoma, 41 of astrocytoma, 16 of hemangioblastoma, 8 of cavernous haemangioma, 6 of lipoma, 8 of other uncommon intramedullary tumor.
175) The need for esophagectomy for achalasia is very uncommon, even in the presence of a dilated esophagus, and should be reserved for failures after myotomy.
176) Tubular apocrine adenoma is an uncommon adnexal adenoma mostly located on the head and neck.
177) Chronic idiopathic pseudointestinal obstruction is an uncommon syndrome which is characterized by manifestation of chronic intestinal obstruction. 3 cases by enteroclysis were reported.
178) Aloe contains ten vitamins, including an uncommon, plant derived source of B 12, also know as cobalamin.
179) Multilocular cystic nephroma is an uncommon neoplasm of the kidneys.
180) His dilemma was not a uncommon one in modern China.
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