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Torque in a sentence

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Sentence count:201Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: torsionSimilar words: barquemarqueeperquisitetorttornmotorstorystorkMeaning: [tɔrk /tɔː-]  n. a twisting force. 
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121. The grafter, PS - g - AA , was prepared in torque rheometer with DCP as initiator.
122. Gait of humanoid robot is optimized and analyzed by introducing three energy consumption indexes: mean power, mean power derivation and mean torque consumption.
123. The operating principle of the clutch and brake has been introduced. The clutch torque and the brake torque which the mechanical press needs have been calculated.
124. In robot hand systems, the force and torque should be well distributed and applied by the fingers in order to grasp and manipulate the object dexterously .
125. Valve running torque can be calculated utilizing the above formula substituting running thrust for seating thrust.
126. So we generate a torque which is proportional to the angle, very similar to the linear spring whereby we generate a force which is proportional to the linear displacement.
127. Frequency of this pulsating torque is six times as high as that of the fundamental current.
128. Stop Motion Yarn breakage, Yarn knot, Needle Breakage , shock detection , over - torque, piece count , program error, etc.
129. The mechanism is simple and robust strain gauge is directly attached to the torque detector.
130. The tilting of the gyro continues until the erection torque balances the torque producing the precession.
131. Based on three dimensional finite element analyses of magnetic fields, the cogging torque of a prototype motor is calculated using the virtual work and Maxwell stress tensor methods.
132. Dompared to the shaded pole motor, these motors can generally provide much greater starting torque by using a special startup winding in conjunction with a centrifugal switch.
133. However, our semi-fixed body part for the generation of power, or torque, in the stroke is the stable shoulder girdle.
134. The internal torque on each of the singles will be about 300 tpm , while torque on the two-ply yarn will be 100 in the S direction.
135. The number of yarn wet snarling per unit length is an important indirect index for the evaluation of yarn residual torque.
136. Discuss in detail the torque characteristics of hoister double-fed cascade adjusting speed system and the designing calculation of starting torque of hoister shearing resistor.
137. Based on the law of momentum torque, this method tested interference torque of air bearing testbed by momentum wheel in the simulation system including SCM and control computer.
138. Plots the torque speed curve and power curves for given values of stall torque and no load speed.
139. The absorbed energy before skull-bone fractured was significant relation with torque and angle. The absorbed energy increased as pin-bone angle increased and torque increased.
140. The torque feedback system is a successful technology for eliminating stick - slip vibration of drill - string assembly.
141. The hydraulic dynamometer consuming the dynamic energy of the diesel engine with water power can accurately measure the torque and the rotational speed of the diesel engine.
142. In view of saving energy and enhancing transmission efficiency, a new PLC and HMI based shift control to 4D180 hydraulic torque converter is proposed.
143. The primary cause is that the engine drives the torque to the chassis heavily. Along with speed increasing, the noise distribution also changes. The take and exhaust roar becomes bigger and bigger.
144. The direct torque control is capable to regulate the torque for it has torque feedback loop.
145. By calculating and checking the clutching torque and the braking torque which the mechanical press needs, the parameter and the model of the combined clutch and brake have been properly selected.
146. The compatibilization between PDAP and LDPE was verified by TGA, torque analysis and dynamically rheological experiments.
147. Torque estimation of asynchronous motor by measuring voltages and current of the motor.
148. Simulation results reveal that equivalent rotational inertia, damping factor,[] fluctuating loading pressure and loading torque has comparatively large influence on control properties.
149. Firstly, the advantages of low speed high torque motor ere introduced.
150. The magnitude of deformation affects the performance of hydraulic torque converter and its connection with adjacent parts.
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