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Theorem in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+2Posted:2017-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: theoreticaltheoreticiantheorytheoristcell theorymore or lessforemostaforementionedMeaning: ['θɪərəm]  n. 1. a proposition deducible from basic postulates 2. an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth. 
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121. Based on the property of the superpotential in this theorem, various variational principles are constructed, and an efficient penalty-duality algorithm for limit analysis is suggested.
122. We gave a theorem on the transcendency of the limit of a sequence of algebraical functions.
123. This paper extends the L-fuzzifying closure and interior to fuzzy sets, and generalizes Kuratowski Fourteen Sets Theorem in L-fuzzifying topological spaces based on these.
124. To verify the properties of the concurrent and reactive systems based on the theorem proving approach, an axiomatization is formulized for the first order projection temporal logic (FPTL).
125. A nonexistence theorem is established for F-harmonic map with finite F-energy from Euclidean space to any Riemannian manifold.
126. A new measuring instrument of rotational inertia has been devised by the fixed - axis rotation principle and parallel axis theorem of compound pendulum.
127. The capacity - cost function of discrete memoryless channel, and channel coding theorem.
128. On applying the diffraction theory and with the aid of the reciprocity theorem, an approximate formula for the radiation field of a slot cut in a metal sheet of finite size is derived.
129. In chapter one, three basic theorem:decomposition theorem, representation theorem, expand theorem are discussed. Furthermore, from the angle of lattice , it researches high-type RF set .
130. Theorem 2 The product of bounded function and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal.
131. By using homeomorphism method and the extended inverse function theorem, the existence and uniqueness of the solution for the semi-linear pseudoparabolic equations is obtained.
132. The properties of the operators of modal logic system S5 is investigated, then a theorem is proved about its primitive operator set, and some corollaries are given.
133. The famous max - flow min - cut theorem determines the maximum throughput of a network.
134. This result patially gcncralizcs a theorem of Blair about a generalization of catenoid.
135. We proved the intermediate value theorem for continuous function at closed interval by constructing auxiliary sequence ingeniously and applying compact theorem as well as Cauchy convergence criterion.
136. In this paper, we consider the existence of multiple positive solutions of discrete boundary value problem. The theory of fixed point index is used here to derive the existence theorem.
137. The existence theorem shows that the equation has at least one solution provided the nonlinear term satisfies a linear growth condition.
138. In this paper, we consider asymptotic structure for the product of partial sums of independent random variables. Under some suitable conditions, we get a central limit theorem.
139. So they--in other words, the insurance company--doesn't trust the insurance companies to do the calculations like I showed with the binomial theorem.
140. This paper presents the stability theorem of cellular neural networks ( CNN ) with a multi - step output function.
141. The quadratic variation and mixed integrals of the martingales with orthogonal increments are studied. The theorem for the existence of quadratic variation is proved.
142. This is a simple example of the equipartition theorem at work.
143. The stability problems of steel structure are studied using the method of probability analysis and stability lower bound theorem from three respects.
144. Experimentally, however, it is found to be much greater: in particular,[ ] stars far from the center of galaxies have much higher velocities than predicted by the virial theorem.
145. Law of the iterated logarithm and martingale property theorem are two important theorems about Brownian motion.
146. An existence theorem of continuous signal transfer operator is given.
147. Four color theorem and conjecture, coloring and it's number problem, graph coloring problem the direction of current research and research methods.
148. The structure theorem of weakly left C-semigroups is also included as its special case.
149. The reciprocal theorem is used to make research on the bending of a set square with free hypotenuse under a concentrated load acting at any of its points, and its accurate solution is given.
150. Structure theorem of tripolar multiple gear motor is expatiated, its output velocity and pulse are analysed.
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