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Succinct in a sentence

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Sentence count:62+3Posted:2016-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compactcompendioussummarySimilar words: vaccinesuccorsucceed insuccessfullyby accidentsucksuchenticingMeaning: [sək'sɪŋkt]  adj. briefly giving the gist of something. 
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31. In order to design an XML database without redundancy, a succinct and understandable approach to define the dependency relationship between XML data is necessary.
32. This Nutshell provides a succinct description of the fundamentals of U.S. patent law.
33. To be succinct summary of the main, grasp the overall structure, resourcefulness, the ability to improvise.
34. The succinct rear part design gives the human by the bantam the feeling.
35. The tableau of this photograph is rather succinct. Among the oasis several fishers cast vast nets.
36. Prepare for interviews by practicing succinct summaries of your successes, including "the original problem or challenge, your contribution to the solution, and the end result, " Harris says.
37. The serial design styles of red sandalwood are succinct lucid and lively, the makings are superior.
38. Succinct has proved the two - broken line modified failure mode is effective and feasible.
39. This paper advanced a practical and succinct formula for tooth number choice of involute gear.
40. The logo comprised with letter H and J from Huijin, succinct and generous, likes nature itself, demonstrate the demeanour of the group.
41. Taking advantage of tensor, succinct writing and artistic form, it discusses generalized Hook's Law from the anisotropic linear elastomer to the isotropic linear elastomer.
42. Whether you're talking to a manager or a coworker, be succinct and direct.
43. Contract4J also provides a very succinct way of defining tests, using familiar Java constructs, without having to define lots of additional AspectJ "boilerplate."
44. The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.
45. Its contour succinct simple, does not have the excessive ostentatiousness.
46. Most C ++ programs use succinct expressions rather than more verbose equivalents.
47. Using bullet points can help to put across this information in a succinct , easy - to - absorb way.
48. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.
49. A succinct review of this problem with an excellent bibliography has recently appeared.
50. The design of this display console software has good information feedback ability in the aspect of display, and be clear, succinct in the aspect of control.
51. Legal English has particularlyacceptation, a lot of archaism especially archaism adverbappeared, loan word adopted, glossary accuracy required, succinct in the use of word.
52. Memos must be clearly written, succinct,[] and give make a reasoned a decision-maker.
53. A succinct and brisk design style is impenetrated in a series of working places design from working rooms to meeting rooms, creating a new and charming working environment with a unitive style.
54. Gives more general results on the gradualness of the median point of Lagranges median theorem and first median theorem for integrals and its succinct proof.
55. The consummate and facile lines, the succinct designs, the high-quality glazed material, which can keep velvet and bright for a long fem, make the fussy work of balneary cleaning easily.
56. Simple and succinct, this program has perspicuous interface and extensive application.
57. Before the living room window, made one to take the form of antependium 's arched entrance, succinct and did not lose the grave feeling.
58. The 3 rd, language character is OK still again common and succinct dot.
58. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
59. As a result, the function is succinct (3 lines!), easy to maintain, and works with any valid XML document or node that doesn't use attributes.
60. Succinct, the graceful natural rear light combination provides a better visibility.
More similar words: vaccinesuccorsucceed insuccessfullyby accidentsucksuchenticingsuch ascarcinomasfascinatinginstinctdistinctsanctionfunctioncompunctiondistinctivedistinctionand functionfunctionalmalfunction
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