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Submarine in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Cuban sandwichItalian sandwichU-boatbombergrinderherohero sandwichhoagiehoagypigboatpoor boysubsubmarine sandwichtorpedounderseawedgezepSimilar words: marineprimarilystaringbearingsbear in minddoctrinedomineeringengineeringMeaning: [‚sʌbmə'rɪːn]  n. 1. a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes 2. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States. v. 1. move forward or under in a sliding motion 2. throw with an underhand motion 3. bring down with a blow to the legs 4. control a submarine 5. attack by submarine. adj. beneath the surface of the sea. 
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1. The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.
2. The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.
3. The submarine is driven by nuclear power.
4. The submarine can submerge very quickly.
5. A new submarine cable was laid from England to Netherlands.
6. It's a huge submarine.
7. The submarine is impossible to detect on radar.
8. The submarine returned to its home base in Vancouver.
9. The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast.
10. The submarine signaled for help.
11. All employees at the submarine base require security clearance.
12. The submarine had strayed into Russian waters.
13. The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.
14. The submarine rose to the surface.
15. They saw a German submarine resurfacing near their warship.
16. The captain brought the submarine to the surface.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. The submarine dived to avoid being seen.
18. The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.
19. I ordered the submarine to snorkel.
20. The submarine began to dive.
21. The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.
22. The submarine at last emerged.
23. The submarine dove quickly as the destroyer searched for it.
24. In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.
25. The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.
26. He detected a ship moving down the starboard side of the submarine.
27. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.
28. Inspectors discovered microscopic cracks in the hull of the submarine.
29. The President has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.
30. We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.
More similar words: marineprimarilystaringbearingsbear in minddoctrinedomineeringengineeringat regular intervalssubmitsubmissivelymarkmarchmark offmartyrmark outmarketmarredmarginmaroonmark upmarkupmarblemarkerremarkaridlandmarksummaryprimarymarried
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