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Strike in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+66Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: batclouthitjabknockrebelrevoltsmackwhackAntonym: ballSimilar words: strikingstripstringstrictstrictlydistrictrestrictdistributeMeaning: [straɪk]  n. 1. a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions 2. an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective 3. (baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders 4. a gentle blow 5. a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball 6. a conspicuous success. v. 1. hit against; come into sudden contact with 2. deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon 3. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon 4. make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target 5. indicate (a certain time) by striking 6. affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely 7. stop work in order to press demands 8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly 9. attain 10. produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically 11. cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp 12. find unexpectedly 13. produce by ignition or a blow 14. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line 15. cause to experience suddenly 16. drive something violently into a location 17. occupy or take on 18. form by stamping, punching, or printing 19. smooth with a strickle 20. pierce with force 21. arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing. 
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241) Now that the strike is over, we must form a management-staff committee when the dust has settled.
242) The result of the strike ballot will be known tomorrow morning.
243) And all this praise just because the poor man has died - doesn't it strike you as a bit insincere?
244) Six months from the start of the strike, there is still no end in sight .
245) The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory.
246) They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.
247) The strike developed into a battle of wits between management and workers.
248) As neither management nor labour would give in, the union organized a strike.
249) It isn't always easy to strike the right balance .
250) The trade union federations called a general strike to protest at working conditions.
251) Despite the exhortations of the union leaders the workers voted to strike.
252) 5000 employees came out on strike in protest at the poor working conditions.
253) Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike.
254) She tried to strike a happy medium between making the questions too hard and making them too easy.
255) Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard.
256) The shipbuilders came out on strike for better working conditions.
257) By its nature, terrorism is designed to strike at the heart of our democratic values.
258) The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday'snationwide strike.
259) Talks are taking place in an attempt to avert a strike.
260) We must try to analyse the causes of the strike.
261) Hopes of a peaceful end to the strike are now growing.
262) If they strike oil, drilling will begin early next year.
263) Terri was told to strike off the names of every person older than 30.
264) The strike is expected to cause delays and disruption to flights from Britain.
265) The Royal Mint will strike a gold coin of commemorative.
265) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
266) The strike was officially estimated to have cost $80 million.
267) Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.
268) The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized.
269) The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike.
270) Would you support a nuclear strike to bring an end to a war?
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