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Similarly in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+5Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: likewiseSimilar words: similarsimilarityregularlyparticularlyearlynearlynot nearlyearly warningMeaning: ['sɪm(ɪ)lə(r)lɪ]  adv. in like or similar manner. 
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241 Relatively good results were also obtained similarly by using fresh autografts of periosteum and cartilage.
242 America's transport network is similarly dysfunctional, says a recent Urban Land Institute report.
243 The new lunar lander will be similarly improved, with updated electronics and materials.
244 Future projects should similarly be world class, and occupy a unique niche in astrophysics.
245 Each of the related tasks must be similarly determined, throughout the entire control operation.
246 Similarly, many Tory bets, as the elected police chiefs[sentence dictionary], could have done with a pilot project.
247 Expansive government policy in the US similarly arouses no objection.
248 Similarly, the yogi must know rupa and nama so he can practice with result.
249 Similarly the first correlation coefficient of polyphenols and inorganic matters was significant at 1 % level.
250 Similarly Jamie Carragher and Sami Hyypia pick themselves in the centre of defence.
251 Has a look at present's Looney, was similarly also injured, but he again why?
252 Similarly, I might make a similar mistake with the Andy Warhol.
More similar words: similarsimilarityregularlyparticularlyearlynearlynot nearlyearly warningsimplyjubilantmildavailablegarlicCharliefairlyfamilybe availablesimultaneouslyparlancetimingformerlymillionelderlyproperlysmile onmilkingavailabilityfamiliarmilitaryminimize
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