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Signing in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+17Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceMeaning: [saɪn]  n. language expressed by visible hand gestures. 
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121, Indeed, Beatrice is notorious for signing the 1889 women's appeal against female suffrage, though she later recanted.
122, The old man's sons had tricked him into signing the papers.
123, Last season Boldon struggled throughout but they are a different proposition this time after signing several leading players during the winter.
124, Quarterback Boomer Esiason did not receive a signing bonus from the Cardinals.
125, By the way, I met up with John Collins the other day and he and I were signing your praises.
126, They were handing people copies of a petition on clipboards, and the people were laughing and signing them.
127, The signing ceremony, fixed for 28 August, had to be postponed until 2 September because of a typhoon.
128, Local conditions, priorities and the actual setting in which the signing is to appear will determine suitability.
129, But all students should have a purposeful course of study that goes beyond the formality of signing up for classes.
130, We are left with a picture of general support for the use of signing.
131, From the left, he is accused of political cowardice in signing the Republican welfare overhaul with its roiling undercurrents of race.
132, The day before the signing of the last accord, Maya sorcerers prayed for peace in ancient capitals destroyed by the conquistadors.
133, Immediately after the signing of the agreement, negotiators began discussions to resolve a number of outstanding issues.
134, I was over-qualified and signing on and I realised there was more money to be made taking my clothes off.
135, A year ago, he might even have considered signing the pledge and going to bed at six.
136, Decca gave in first, signing a royalty agreement in 1943.
137, Derby have emerged as a major threat after the signing of former Sunderland star Marco Gabbiadini.
138, His signing to fight Larry Holmes, after retiring a second time, provoked worried comment.
139, I was getting that sick I ended up signing the papers and Stephen was adopted.
140, They were willing to accept low base salaries in the early years of their contracts in exchange for large signing bonuses.
141, Wonder if the new owners will invest some of it in signing free agents during the offseason?
142, Leonard will hold a discussion and book signing at the gallery January 27.
143, And Cross will be given the task of marking Plymouth's record signing Paul Dalton today.
144, Two consecutive wins and the signing of the year have lifted a great weight from the place.
145, And it remains to be seen if re- signing Greg Vaughn will be a hit or a miss.
146, Read where Rickey Henderson is the latest to be investigated by the IRS for unreported income from signing autographs.
147, Ward has been searching for a winger for some time and last night he was hopeful of clinching a signing on loan.
148, In sports bars, they tout the splendid qualities of ice-brewing,( ) while posing for photos and signing autographs.
149, The Sunderland manager has lived with speculation over his job since signing a one-year contract at the end of last season.
150, The most significant finding is that when signing is added to fingerspelling, communication level increases further.
More similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceinsignificantsignificantlyinsignificancesignificant otherinsignificantlyignitesigndignifydignityignitedsign onignitionensignsignetresignassignsign upsignaldesignsign outdignifieddignitary
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