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Signing in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+17Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceMeaning: [saɪn]  n. language expressed by visible hand gestures. 
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151, Before starting to buy a house or flat or signing a private tenancy agreement you are advised to consult a solicitor.
152, He was signing an autograph for his killer at the time.
153, I suspect it is the larger farmers signing up and throwing the smaller farmers to the vultures.
154, The Democratic leadership in Congress, which was noticeably absent at the signing ceremony, fought the measure.
155, Both leaders were present for the signing of the peace treaty.
156, Many business school graduates are signing up furiously with management consulting firms.
157, Leeds' new signing Kiwi Kevin Iro will be only be a spectator at tomorrow's game due to an ankle injury.
158, A family was blacklisted after signing nomination forms for a relative standing as a Communist in a local election.
159, The timetable approved by the foreign ministers provided for the signing of a treaty on May 12.
160, How can they debit my account without me signing anything?
161, According to the police, however, there was a decline in the level of violence immediately following the signing of the accord.
162, Transcripts of hearing people and deaf people signing a sequence of three cartoon pictures were compared in a number of ways.
163, Signing a petition against the war and arguing with Kip in the privacy of our apartment wasn t enough.
164, This production will have signing incorporated with the spoken word.
165, Holdsworth, a £725,000 summer signing from Brentford, has not scored in six matches since a hernia operation.
166, There is always considerable negotiation over the provisions governing the conduct of the business between signing and completion.
167, Jason Peake, another loan signing, will return to Leicester City this month.
168, The retailers themselves are increasingly finding strength in numbers, signing up for Internet-based auctions sites and buying groups.
169, She was, it may be inferred, tricked into signing without reading the document.
170, After a weekend in New York, Maddux said he was virtually certain of signing a five-year deal with the Yankees.
171, Healthscape, which is signing contracts with large health-insurance providers, plans to overcome those problems.
172, Wiley is expected to command a $ 10 million signing bonus.
173, The drug regulators, however, asked for more information on its manufacturing and labeling before finally signing off on the drug.
174, Not only did she shoot 75, she was disqualified for signing an incorrect scorecard.
175, So, how can you get useful feedback from your significant other, aside from signing up for couples' counseling classes?
176, However, before signing on the dotted line, you should think carefully about the risks and the costs.
177, Voices are signing off all over Deptford as guys quit their lookout duties and come rushing over.
178, By signing this letter, you confirm that this is the case.
179, The main motivation in signing reprocessing contracts will simply be to offload spent nuclear fuel on to some one else.
180, Differences of interpretation emerged within days of the signing of the Sarajevo agreement as ethnic violence continued to escalate.
More similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceinsignificantsignificantlyinsignificancesignificant otherinsignificantlyignitesigndignifydignityignitedsign onignitionensignsignetresignassignsign upsignaldesignsign outdignifieddignitary
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