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Signing in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+17Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceMeaning: [saɪn]  n. language expressed by visible hand gestures. 
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91, I think I was pressured into signing the papers.
92, He will not think twice before signing it.
93, Warning Before signing on with an agency: 1.
94, A transfer normally requires signing only by the seller.
95, She was tricked into signing the paper.
96, The scorer, new signing, Darren Rowbotham.
97, Prospects may begin signing letters of intent Wednesday.
98, Our other new signing is local bricklayer, Billy Lugg.
99, If he does, he is signing his death warrant.
100, She did not read the documents before signing.
101, Clinton should respond by signing on, without a quibble.
102, It lists basic questions homeowners answer before signing documents.
103, The high school signing period begins Feb. 7.
104, A new signing for the new season.
105, We get a lot better response from people who owe us money by signing our collection letter with the name Victor Sparducci.
106, Formal signing of the two agreements is expected to take place early this year.
107, Agents are accused of misleading clients into signing up for savings plans that were actually insurance policies.
108, Reuser was a £1million signing from Vitesse Arnhem, after spending a loan spell at Ajax where he started his career.
109, The importer signifies his acceptance to future payment by signing his name across the bill's face.
110, A recent job advert for travel representatives abroad asked for language skills and included signing in the list of useful languages.
111, Sanders' $ 35 million deal included a signing bonus of $ 12, 999(, 999.
112, On a good day, the building would be almost entirely rented-apart from the small matter of signing the contract.
113, She went with a young lady ... to a small office where the documents were laid out for signing.
114, It is also the first such trial since Liggett group rocked the industry by signing a deal with those states.
115, A private autograph signing featuring most of the players is scheduled for that week.
116, The cash-strapped Hammers will sell the £600,000 signing from Luton in October 1990, as long as the price is right.
117, Most top prospects committed during the autumn signing period in November.
118, He suggested that the petitioners were illiterate and had no notion of what they were signing.
119, He gave both financial security, signing Johnson to a four-year deal and Elliott to a six-year contract.
120, It was not that she had signed under some induced misapprehension as to the nature or character of what she was signing.
More similar words: designingsign infeigningsignifyinsigniasignifiedsignificantsignificanceinsignificantsignificantlyinsignificancesignificant otherinsignificantlyignitesigndignifydignityignitedsign onignitionensignsignetresignassignsign upsignaldesignsign outdignifieddignitary
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