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Legislature in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: general assemblylaw-makerslegislativelegislative assemblySimilar words: legislatorlegislativelegislationfeaturein natureby naturecreaturesignatureMeaning: ['ledʒɪsleɪtʃə]  n. persons who make or amend or repeal laws. 
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1) They addressed a petition to the legislature.
2) The bill cleared the legislature.
3) The legislature appropriated funds for the university.
4) The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature.
5) John is lobbying some members of the legislature.
6) He was elected to the state legislature.
7) The legislature voted narrowly to table a motion of no-confidence in the government.
8) Fresh attempts at compromise with the legislature were also on the agenda.
9) The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons.
10) The legislature comprises a 212-member Chamber of Deputies elected for a four-year term.
11) The legislature passed a law to prohibit the dumping of nuclear waste.
12) The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.
13) After furious debate, the legislature defeated the bill.
14) Brock was elected to the state legislature.
15) It passed the Legislature with strong bipartisan support.
16) Meanwhile, the Legislature is considering the committee's recommendations.
17) And the local elected legislature will cease to exist.
18) One is the Legislature(, whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.
19) The Harijan candidates for some seats in the legislature would be selected in private consultation between Hindus and untouchables.
20) In 1994, the legislature allocated only $ 2 million statewide to shore up security at older facilities.
21) Who should their legislature not forbid racial discrimination on buses but permit it in restaurants?
22) She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature.
23) His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.
24) He is a member of the upper house of legislature.
25) The constitution provides for an elected two - chamber legislature.
26) In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
27) Blacks, in steadily decreasing numbers,( continued to serve in the Legislature for the next 20 years.
28) The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.
29) I urge, therefore, a cautious approach to the ascertainment of the intention of the legislature.
30) However, the actual policy process in a cabinet system depends on whether there is a coherent majority group in the legislature.
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