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Sharply in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+23Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acutelyaggressivelycrisplyprecipitouslysharpSimilar words: sharpsharedsharka shareshareholderpurplecarpetfair playMeaning: [ˈʃɑːplɪ]  adv. 1. in an aggressive manner 2. in a well delineated manner 3. changing suddenly in direction and degree 4. very suddenly and to a great degree. 
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91) The bank sloped down sharply to the river.
92) Share prices fell sharply this week.
93) He drew in his breath sharply.
94) Rose drew her breath in sharply.
95) Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises.
96) The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply.
97) He drew his breath in sharply.
98) Janet inhaled sharply when she saw him.
99) The economy has declined sharply in recent years.
100) She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist.
101) The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.
102) His politics have moved sharply to the right.
103) Manufacturing fell sharply under the impact of the recession.
104) The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.
105) Emily drew in her breath sharply.
106) She braked sharply to avoid another car.
107) House prices have risen sharply in recent months.
108) She braked sharply and came off her bike.
109) London share prices fell sharply yesterday.
110) Profits fell sharply following the takeover.
111) The roof of the house pitches sharply.
112) Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.
113) The police have been sharply criticized for their handling of the affair.
114) The airline has reduced its prices so sharply that it has been accused of predatory pricing.
115) The City reacted sharply to the fall in oil prices.
116) Prices are rising sharply[], while incomes are lagging far behind.
117) I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
118) Members of the jury were sharply rebuked for speaking to the press.
119) Stock prices pushed sharply higher this afternoon in tandem with a rise in the dollar.
120) The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly,( we were forced to increase our prices.
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