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Shareholder in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: shareownerstockholderSimilar words: warehousehouseholdsharpsharedsharka shareeldersharplyMeaning: [ˈʃeəhəʊldə]  n. someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation. 
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1. The shareholder rights movement has two prongs.
2. Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.
3. The government is still a majority shareholder in the industry.
4. It would make California a mecca for shareholder lawsuits.
5. It served to broaden our shareholder base significantly.
6. Conditions attaching to offer: Shareholder approval.
7. Presumably, the rational shareholder would do this up to the point at which marginal benefit was equated with marginal cost.
8. In recent years the model's exclusive focus on shareholder interests has to a degree been modified.
9. No shareholder would now be worse off because of the tax measure.
10. Two Disney shareholder lawsuits were filed against the current and former directors of the company, charging them with wasting corporate assets.
11. Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.
12. Mr Levin has also spent a fortune in shareholder money to resolve the internal rivalries bedeviling his game plan for Time Warner.
13. A similar plan offered by a shareholder rights group was approved by shareholders last year, but rejected by the board.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. Rather, the focus on shareholder interests results from a private conception of the company and company law.
15. A dissenting shareholder should lodge his opposition at the meeting of shareholders and should also appear at the hearing of the petition.
16. The attempt to revitalize shareholder democracy in this fashion is doomed to failure in the large public company.
17. He's the Managing Director and major shareholder in Acorn Hotels.
18. He was also an important shareholder in the international news agency turned information business,[] Reuters.
19. But Spectrum soon became mired in losses, and when the stock plummeted, it was hit by numerous shareholder lawsuits.
20. Wells expects to close the merger by April 1, pending regulatory and shareholder approval.
21. As Chapter 3 will discuss, the legal duties imposed on management are directed towards shareholder benefit.
22. Among the most debated changes is one that would affect minority shareholder rights when a company is acquired.
23. However, some companies in liberalized contexts are already facing shareholder discontent, collapse of market value and take-overs.
24. The funds could be provided by you as a shareholder either as a loan or as further share capital.
25. I entirely agree that salaries should be performance-related and subject to shareholder control.
26. In general, however, the pressures on management are orientated towards shareholder rather than employee welfare.
27. Stevens International Inc. said it agreed in principle to settle a class-action shareholder lawsuit against it.
28. From the point of view of the banker or shareholder these may seem to be not unreasonable or even undesirable limitations.
29. Mildara has a stated objective of obtaining an annual return of 15 % on shareholder equity.
30. Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
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