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Rotation in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+1Posted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: gyrationrevolutionrotary motionSimilar words: job rotationcrop rotationdenotationannotationquotationconnotationrotatingproportional representationMeaning: [rəʊ'teɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of rotating as if on an axis 2. (mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the origin 3. a single complete turn (axial or orbital) 4. a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.). 
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61. Usually players with a strong left-hand grip have a good forearm rotation because the arm is already part of the way there.
62. We shall see later that in simple shear a rigid body rotation is involved as well as a displacement.
63. The pencil lying next to the books acts as the fulcrum, or rotation point.
64. If the starting rotation has five right-handers, there likely will be three left-handers in the bullpen.
65. By breaking down the communication barriers among work groups, rotation enhances the flow of information between workers and across functional units.
66. Weight slowly ebbed as the rotation ceased, the bell gave a double chime, and the red warning light was back.
67. Left forearm rotation should not be confused with left wrist rotation, as to many amateurs think.
68. Venus's rotation is retrograde.
69. Half the time I missed, misjudging the eccentric rotation of the bag and hurting my wrists.
70. The rotation depends on the scalar product of the electric dipole and magnetic dipole transition moments.
71. Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
72. A spinning earth eliminated the excessive speed of rotation currently ascribed to the outer spheres.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
73. In five of these the procedure was carried out in stages with tract dilation and limited rotation times on account of local discomfort.
74. It is this force that translates electricity into rotation in an electric motor.
75. There was considerable variation in the tolerance to the procedure with one patient able to accept a 52 minute rotation time.
76. To the northerner, the apparently clockwise movement of the Sun and the stars results from an anticlockwise rotation of the earth.
77. On stage vacuum control for remote rotation is available if required.
78. Below 200 K the chains are virtually immobile, but above 200 K the lines sharpen as rotation begins.
79. The heat of the sun is caused by the friction produced against the air by this rapid rotation.
80. Under a 3600 rotation, a boson state-vector goes back to itself, not to its negative.
81. Discuss whether the planet is in synchronous rotation around the Sun.
82. Notes A gimbal is a kind of universal joint that allows free rotation within a range of angles.
83. But, if the supporters are agreed on the principle of rotation, they disagree over the detail.
84. In 1925, Svedberg first achieved this by subjecting polymer solutions to large force fields, generated at high speeds of rotation.
85. Sugar conformations and glycosidic rotation angles have been estimated as described in the legend to Table 1.
86. Still, Leyland left him out of the postseason rotation because there was nobody else to work right-handed long relief.
87. Once you've mastered the technique, trays of brandy snaps can be baked in quick rotation.
88. The same radar data that permit determination of the rotation speed of Venus also permit us to prepare maps of its surface.
89. In this case the rotation tensor R is equal to the direction, cosine L. Example 10.
90. Such careful spraying can go hand in hand with long-established techniques such as crop rotation, and planting resistant varieties.
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