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Rewire in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: wirebarbed wirebrewinginterfere withfireworkscrewbrewscrewMeaning: ['rɪː'waɪə(r)]  v. provide with new wiring. 
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(1) Their first job was to rewire the whole house and install central heating.
(2) The house has been completely rewired.
(3) The house has been rewired.
(4) You'll need a qualified electrician to rewire your house.
(5) The replumbing and rewiring of the flat ran very smoothly.
(6) You really should have the whole house rewired - the existing wiring isn't safe.
(7) There was damp everywhere and the entire building was in need of rewiring.
(8) Supposing you want your house rewired.
(9) The building was rewired in 1973.
(10) They told him that division progress required a complete rewiring of the decision-making process in order to push author-ity down the line.
(11) That also has been restored, with modern climatic control, lighting and rewiring, but with its original decorative features.
(12) And he approved the rewiring of decision-making and spending authorities.
(13) Recently, the electrical system burnt out and now requires rewiring.
(14) In 1987 a survey concluded that the theatre should shut immediately, to allow structural repairs, rewiring[], refitting and restoration.
(15) Ideally lighting should be planned and installed before the walls and ceiling are decorated in case any re-wiring is necessary.
(16) Today they are being rewired and repainted in a new livery, giving them a handsome appearance which belies their fifty years.
(17) We ( had to ) rewire the building, re - plumb it.
(18) This type of communication between objects is very flexible and easy to "rewire".
(19) Brains are not static, and neurons constantly rewire themselves throughout life.
(20) "I'm now going to rewire your brains, " Stafford continued, "by fostering your expectations." Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven began to fill the lecture room.
(21) We'd revise to rewire the building, re plummet re - plumb it.
(22) A leading neuroscientist says processing digital information can rewire your circuits. But is it evolution?
(23) The carpets had to be taken up when the house was rewired.
(24) I have had to spend a lot of money having my house replumbed and rewired.
(25) By 2000, the rest of San Diego should be rewired.
(26) Like I said, if this guitar were mine I'd rewire it like an ES335.
(27) One in three parents, meanwhile, believes the Internet has the power to ' rewire ' brains without a person's knowledge and thinks their children are in danger from the web.
(28) If you want to peer into two UNIX processes, the create two pipes and rewire the file descriptors of each process to act both as a producer and a consumer.
(29) Build a bridge, charge a toll till paid off, rewire a neighborhood electrical grid, reward municipal bond investors, etc...
(30) Beyond the power of estrogen, the difference in MRIs suggests that the adult brain maintains "plasticity"--the ability to rewire itself--even as it ages.
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