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Radioactive in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+11Posted:2017-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: proactiveretroactivelyactiveactivelyhyperactiveattractiveinteractiveactive transportMeaning: ['reɪdɪəʊ'æktɪv]  adj. exhibiting or caused by radioactivity. 
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91 Uncertainty and scientific dispute is compounded by the fact that radioactive contamination is different from many other types of pollution.
92 This was said to be because of the risk of radioactive iodine emitted during the fire getting into people's thyroid glands.
93 This instability leads to radioactive decay of C at a regular rate.
94 This was the thorny question of what would happen eventually to the reactor's residue of radioactive waste.
95 And the following day Britain lost its battle to impose the burden of scientific proof on those who oppose radioactive dumping.
96 Some rocks can also be dated by the microscopic tracks of decay particles ejected from the radioactive nucleus.
97 The activity of a radioactive substance is the number of nuclei decaying per second.
98 Environmental groups deplored the failure of the convention to impose an absolute ban on the dumping of radioactive waste.
99 The waste, accumulated over a 40-year period, will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years.
100 They left radioactive material in Moscow and said they were going to use that kind of weapon....
101 Two categories of so-called difficult samples are described: those that are small in comparison with the irradiation area and radioactive samples.
102 But it has its very own radioactive quality, a kind of nuclear winter of the soul.
103 The doctors there know all about uranium and radioactive dust.
104 Both radioactive fission products and induced radioactivity in structural materials contribute to the problem of radioactive waste.
105 The government is currently considering building facilities for processing liquid radioactive waste and other measures to end dumping at sea by 1995.
106 I find it surprising that Professor Rudi Nussbaum fails to mention that the Earth is naturally radioactive.
107 The humans are slowly dying because of the radioactive dust caused by a human war.
108 The plant's function is to turn radioactive liquid waste into glass blocks.
109 The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time interval taken for the radiant species present to lose half its radioactivity.
110 The reactor core erupted in a gigantic explosion(, spewing enormous amounts of heat and disintegrated radioactive fuel into the atmosphere.
111 Some local attorneys worry about short-term privacy lapses and long-term effects of even small radioactive doses.
112 As I said earlier,[sentence dictionary] the safety of the carriage of radioactive material is paramount.
113 As the fire shed its microscopic radioactive dust over their houses and gardens, they continued to walk about, blissfully unaware.
114 The most intensely radioactive is high-level waste - typically a thousand times more potent than the intermediate level.
115 A Green Party spokesman said that spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and potentially lethal.
116 The joint effort has produced remote control fuel-rod exchangers and automatic inspection systems for radioactive welded pipes.
117 Britain is one of the world's largest importers of radioactive waste.
118 After the catheter placement, we used a radioactive marker to delineate the catheter position and recording sites.
119 Grismore believes high-altitude nuclear tests are the most probable source of the radioactive specks.
120 There is a danger of leakages and the deliberate dumping of radioactive material, with potentially catastrophic results for the environment.
More similar words: proactiveretroactivelyactiveactivelyhyperactiveattractiveinteractiveactive transportcontradictionactivityactivistdeductiveaddictivedetectiveobjectiveeffectivesubjectiveproductivecollectiveperspectiverespectiveafflictivevindictiveprotectivedistinctivedestructiveeffectivelycollectivelyconstructiverespectively
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