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Radioactive in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+11Posted:2017-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: proactiveretroactivelyactiveactivelyhyperactiveattractiveinteractiveactive transportMeaning: ['reɪdɪəʊ'æktɪv]  adj. exhibiting or caused by radioactivity. 
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61 On Thursday delegates approved a resolution calling for a two-year ban on dumping radioactive wastes in the sea.
62 Electricity produced by radioactive isotopes, strontium 90, polonium 210, by thermoelectric energy conversion.
63 Low-level waste is primarily the product of industrial and medical use of radioactive substances.
64 It is a poisonous heavy metal like lead or mercury, but only slightly radioactive.
65 The residual plutonium is apparently being held in the form of highly radioactive waste.
66 Fuel rods typically last from two to six years and are highly radioactive.
67 Sites are being selected for final disposal of radioactive waste.
68 Their wastes include solvents, fuels, mine tailings, radioactive wastes, and unexploded bombs and shells.
69 Thus the disintegration of the radioactive elements is a heat source that has persisted for billions of years.
70 The agency ruled Thursday that the repository in salt beds near Carlsbadabout 300 miles southeast of Albuquerquecould safely contain radioactive waste.
71 Many more will have suffered from cancers brought on by one of the radioactive substances released.
72 The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak.
73 This law states that the number of atoms of a radioactive element is halved after a given amount of time has elapsed.
74 Spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms in rocks gives absolute ages that date the geologic periods and the origin of the Earth.
75 For the dumping of such radioactive matter four criteria need to be considered: 1.
76 The events included radioactive leaks, unplanned shutdowns and component failures, as well as vandalism, drug abuse and unauthorized use of firearms.
77 In the uranium mines,( workers breathe in radioactive dust as they dig out the metal ore which contains the valuable element.
78 The radioactive iodine released does not satisfy the second and fourth conditions.
79 Outside, radioactive iodine was regularly released into the atmosphere over the following month.
80 A Department of Environment spokesman said that 1 gram of radioactive dust had been released.
81 As with all radioactive methods, it is important to be clear about what sets the radioactive clock to zero.
82 Uranium has two radioactive isotopes,[] each of which decays to an isotope of lead and helium.
83 It now appears that radioactive heating would be less important than conductive heating from the core, allowing a faster cycle time.
84 Once the minerals in a rock are formed, any radioactive elements in those minerals keep ticking away.
85 The thought of thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste being buried under their favourite stretch of countryside filled local residents with horror.
86 The other half percent is made up of radioactive waste.
87 Uranium shutters, that shield the cobalt radioactive source until the patient is in position, were found to be crumbling.
88 Two other canisters bearing labels for radioactive material were also found, but preliminary tests failed to detect any radioactivity.
89 Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
90 Soon after, Marie Sklodowska-Curie made the crucial discovery and isolation of radium, a radioactive element.
More similar words: proactiveretroactivelyactiveactivelyhyperactiveattractiveinteractiveactive transportcontradictionactivityactivistdeductiveaddictivedetectiveobjectiveeffectivesubjectiveproductivecollectiveperspectiverespectiveafflictivevindictiveprotectivedistinctivedestructiveeffectivelycollectivelyconstructiverespectively
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