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Blush in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bloomcrimsonflushreddenrosinessSimilar words: first blushlushblusterslushflushbluebluffbluntMeaning: [blʌʃ]  n. 1. a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health 2. sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or modesty). v. 1. turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame 2. become rosy or reddish. 
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1. Many a flower is born to blush unseen. 
2. I would rather see a young man blush than turn pale. 
3. A wise man needs not blush for changing his purpose. 
4. A blush suffused his cheeks.
5. I have to blush to admit that thing.
6. I always blush when I speak in public.
7. I blush whenever I think about it.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. There was a feverish blush to his cheeks.
9. She tried to hide her fiery blush.
10. It'seemed a good idea at first blush.
11. Donald felt a blush warm his cheeks.
12. She felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks.
13. Her blush told of her embarrassment.
14. I blush to admit that I haven't read it.
15. A blush of shame crept up his face.
16. Your behaviour makes me blush for your poor wife.
17. The two sisters blush on each other.
18. At first blush(, this sounds like good news.
19. His words raised a blush on her cheeks.
20. His remark brought a blush to my cheeks.
21. I blush to admit it.
22. The dirty joke raised a blush on her cheek.
23. She lowered her eyes with a deep blush.
24. Stop teasing him?you're making him blush.
25. Even the mention of her name makes him blush.
26. A deep blush spread from her head to her neck.
27. I blush to admit it, but I quite like her music.
28. His flattering remark brought a blush in to her cheeks.
29. I blush to think of what a fool I made of myself.
30. 'The most important thing is to be honest,' she says, without the trace of a blush.
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